Sometimes the question on Tumblr does come up about following because what may appear to be superficially similar tumblr blogs can have very different means to different people.
To me Adult Little Boy is just that, in essence a adult who is regressed to the mindset of a child as from adult male to boy who acts upon that through his play, interests and for some how he dresses.
It is therefore very much safe for work by design because it is about being a child and therefore what you do is just like a child and doesn't involve say adult content.
From my vantage point being an adult schoolboy is just the regressed state taken to the point of studying as that regressed state adult male back to boy and in typically a uniform nothing more and while I have no issues around any individual whose schoolboy centred regression may include spanking, spanking as kink activity isn't in it.
The only spanking you *may* have is the one is the one you'd of got at school as say a 13 year old who told the teacher to eff of or didn't do his homework in the era this was normal.
In so far as my Tumbrs go, there's no spanking content of any sort in part cos tumblr while not having a no spanking content rule often removes anything someone else might think was kink or 'child abuse' and also cos it's not the mainstay of my real world alb life.
Thing is for small number of people they see schoolboys in shorts and leap straight into "whack, whack, whack" often bared or even into male on male sex.
As I've said before I don't give a hoot about your sexuality even if as someone who is hetrosexual I can't say I know what gets your rocks off if you're bi or gay but what I do have a problem with is adults who feel that having sex with a child or seeing a child as sex object is acceptable behaviour.
Back to where this leaves me is for instance if a person under 18 wishes to follow me, then on the face of it he should be able to as my tumblr is sfw written from a regressed boy level with nothing that's inappropriate to a child.
The complication comes when someone follows me who is 18+ and DOES have adult content of sexually explicit nature on theirs AND a minor sees who is following mine and finds it.
We've just exposed a minor to adult content which in many territories is against the law.
That is one reason I remove people periodically that do have adult content, especially of a latent pedophilia interest or suggestions direction.
It was a reason I also did have a No Minors followers limit not because I wanted to but more to deal with those who as adults choose to stick two fingers up at my terms of interaction and respect why I do have them.
I have revised it not to add the caveat "unless approved" which means I've checked theirs over that they're not soliciting what in law they can't and I have messaged them to permit them to having confirmed their age and shown some maturity.
Wednesday, 25 December 2019
Following on Tumblr and Minors
Wednesday, 18 December 2019
Some personal reflections
Seeing it is coming up to Christmas I'd normally post a seasons greetings entry on the other blog but seeing this is a different blog proposition instead I talk about something different.
There are times when I do like to talk a bit about my past and where some of that confusion came from that was leaving me feeling pretty bad.
There was a group of adult littles I knew who were mainly or at the time saw themselves as transgendered where at the time there weren't many places for adult little boys that weren't in with sissification and a whole lot of stuff I didn't care for.
There was an individual let's call them 'K' who was a mainstay of them who saw herself as male to female adult little girl who wrote fiction around that topic who had some serious issues in their professional life because of attitudes toward being that way when they presented as male for work.
To put things simply and in a fair minded way she didn't see herself having nor wanting an adult female side, being that adult little girl was just how the little side came out.
That group tended to push me toward their scene during that period but visiting some of their written work during the period I started to drift back toward adult little boys I noticed they had written a lengthy prose piece some of which is relevant to how and why I've moved so far away from that scene.
I think the first thing was she was very disenchanted with the Transgender movement because she felt pushing people especially children who still looked in the buff as one sex but claiming the other in to things such as Scouting, School and Work based closets, changing rooms and dorms what were single SEX for a good reason just for ideological reasons (believing Sex and Gender are the same and feeling one Gender equals being that Sex) was not just bad tactics but actually very wrong flying in face of human nature.
Adolescent boys and girls are driven to explore sexuality and relationships, many of us can remember that and so placing people whose sexual attraction is toward the opposite sex even if that one member claims to be of a different gender doesn't prevent *anything* happening.
One of the points she made (and probably pissed a few people off by saying) is it's not just that gender and sex are not the same (gender is the social and culture form that aligns to a persons sex) but also actually you cannot actually change your sex.
That figuratively was a kick in the balls given some of stuff I'd been told.
What she said was you could change the appearance of your body through surgery or purely cosmetically but it doesn't alter your internal sex one iota and that really was a fantasy.
Few who do 'transition' resemble the born female cis models used in much of the transgender articles around that and memes posted on tumblr and the like finding they still don't feel comfortable with their bodies as adults.
One of things I felt bad about in that group was whenever they'd discuss things about gender actually I felt a strong connection to my sex - I didn't wish to have them removed - and I liked the connections it gave me.
She decided it appeared not to call herself Transgendered because she always felt that little girl and never a woman and didn't wish to associated with those peoples attitudes.
In the parallel universe, I'd formed the view I rather liked and would sooner spend my time with and in the adult little boy and schoolboy world because actually I liked my sex and I felt my sex and gender were aligned even if some of my interests may of been at the time gender untypical.
Thus in time I left that group realizing much of its focus was far removed from me and by doing so I'd move on to the world I actually belong in, the world of adult little boys who love being themselves.
That has proven to be so much better for me I can't put it into words.
There are times when I do like to talk a bit about my past and where some of that confusion came from that was leaving me feeling pretty bad.
There was a group of adult littles I knew who were mainly or at the time saw themselves as transgendered where at the time there weren't many places for adult little boys that weren't in with sissification and a whole lot of stuff I didn't care for.
There was an individual let's call them 'K' who was a mainstay of them who saw herself as male to female adult little girl who wrote fiction around that topic who had some serious issues in their professional life because of attitudes toward being that way when they presented as male for work.
To put things simply and in a fair minded way she didn't see herself having nor wanting an adult female side, being that adult little girl was just how the little side came out.
That group tended to push me toward their scene during that period but visiting some of their written work during the period I started to drift back toward adult little boys I noticed they had written a lengthy prose piece some of which is relevant to how and why I've moved so far away from that scene.
I think the first thing was she was very disenchanted with the Transgender movement because she felt pushing people especially children who still looked in the buff as one sex but claiming the other in to things such as Scouting, School and Work based closets, changing rooms and dorms what were single SEX for a good reason just for ideological reasons (believing Sex and Gender are the same and feeling one Gender equals being that Sex) was not just bad tactics but actually very wrong flying in face of human nature.
Adolescent boys and girls are driven to explore sexuality and relationships, many of us can remember that and so placing people whose sexual attraction is toward the opposite sex even if that one member claims to be of a different gender doesn't prevent *anything* happening.
That figuratively was a kick in the balls given some of stuff I'd been told.
What she said was you could change the appearance of your body through surgery or purely cosmetically but it doesn't alter your internal sex one iota and that really was a fantasy.
Few who do 'transition' resemble the born female cis models used in much of the transgender articles around that and memes posted on tumblr and the like finding they still don't feel comfortable with their bodies as adults.
One of things I felt bad about in that group was whenever they'd discuss things about gender actually I felt a strong connection to my sex - I didn't wish to have them removed - and I liked the connections it gave me.
She decided it appeared not to call herself Transgendered because she always felt that little girl and never a woman and didn't wish to associated with those peoples attitudes.
In the parallel universe, I'd formed the view I rather liked and would sooner spend my time with and in the adult little boy and schoolboy world because actually I liked my sex and I felt my sex and gender were aligned even if some of my interests may of been at the time gender untypical.
Thus in time I left that group realizing much of its focus was far removed from me and by doing so I'd move on to the world I actually belong in, the world of adult little boys who love being themselves.
That has proven to be so much better for me I can't put it into words.
Wednesday, 11 December 2019
The ow week
This week has been a bit mixed with me as a I continue to hobble about with this damaged ankle which has meant having to wear wider mover novelty type socks to accommodate its dressing rather than the usual grey ones.
I also had the Conservative Party's Candidate husband call round asking me about my voting intentions as I answered the door in schoolboy attire which was a shock as it rare these days for any party to do an old school door knocking canvasing for elections in this district but he wasn't fazed by it at all and I felt pretty comfortable just being my adult little boy self at the door.
One annoying thing I will talk about on here is how I discovered the roverscoutandy Tumblr had blocked me from all my tumblr accounts so I cannot follow, message or reblog from his at all.
Anyone who knows my Tumblrs will know they are squeeky clean when it comes to content, totally sfw, all reblog comments are highly appropriate and pro scouting and yet he treats me like I'm a porn blog and takes the time to track down every.single.account to block.
Well stuff him, I can still get anything I want to reblog and do it by other means shall we say and as that scouting blog is hosted in an external form he can't touch it either cos he is NOT stopping me from blogging.
Blooming twat!.
I also had the Conservative Party's Candidate husband call round asking me about my voting intentions as I answered the door in schoolboy attire which was a shock as it rare these days for any party to do an old school door knocking canvasing for elections in this district but he wasn't fazed by it at all and I felt pretty comfortable just being my adult little boy self at the door.
One annoying thing I will talk about on here is how I discovered the roverscoutandy Tumblr had blocked me from all my tumblr accounts so I cannot follow, message or reblog from his at all.
Anyone who knows my Tumblrs will know they are squeeky clean when it comes to content, totally sfw, all reblog comments are highly appropriate and pro scouting and yet he treats me like I'm a porn blog and takes the time to track down every.single.account to block.
Well stuff him, I can still get anything I want to reblog and do it by other means shall we say and as that scouting blog is hosted in an external form he can't touch it either cos he is NOT stopping me from blogging.
Blooming twat!.
Wednesday, 4 December 2019
Advent thoughts
I'm here, my ankle isn't good thanks to a stone that remove the skin and left it looking a bit bloody and battle worn while trudging around in the frost and ice but I'm still around, getting things done as usual.
We're getting set toward Crimbo here, our time of year in lots of ways with memories of Christmas Pasts flooding back as you paw through old address books and find the odd old card from someone who's no longer with us.Things I recall include being trudged around stores to get things for relatives, helping mummy out carrying the bags from department stores like Boots, BHS, M&S and those no longer with us like British Home Stores and of course Woolworths where if I was a good boy I'd be bought a meal in the restaurant some of these stores had and maybe a gift.
Christmas also could mean competition and things like how it was if you were given a chore to do girls would push in saying they wanted to help but in reality trying to take over so if she tried muscling in here he should be able to say clearly no, this is MY thing to do and if she won't accept it, a firm hand being taken to her.
They need to learn to let boys and men do what it is they can do and have agreed to do without this taking over which you see elsewhere with women so they learn to accept their place.Boys need to learn by mistakes and so don't benefit from having their roles taken off them rather than learning to master them properly.
We're getting set toward Crimbo here, our time of year in lots of ways with memories of Christmas Pasts flooding back as you paw through old address books and find the odd old card from someone who's no longer with us.Things I recall include being trudged around stores to get things for relatives, helping mummy out carrying the bags from department stores like Boots, BHS, M&S and those no longer with us like British Home Stores and of course Woolworths where if I was a good boy I'd be bought a meal in the restaurant some of these stores had and maybe a gift.
Christmas also could mean competition and things like how it was if you were given a chore to do girls would push in saying they wanted to help but in reality trying to take over so if she tried muscling in here he should be able to say clearly no, this is MY thing to do and if she won't accept it, a firm hand being taken to her.
They need to learn to let boys and men do what it is they can do and have agreed to do without this taking over which you see elsewhere with women so they learn to accept their place.Boys need to learn by mistakes and so don't benefit from having their roles taken off them rather than learning to master them properly.
Wednesday, 27 November 2019
End of month musings
Last week's entry was pretty fired up as at times the odd entry can be on here cos the only point of this blog really is more to ventilate away from Tumblr's woke friendly censorship which was why the only entry on that site for International Men's Day was mine and yet they marked the next day the International day of Remembrance for the Transgendered (I can remember when it was just for people who feel they're Transexual but that's another story).
That's the thing about the likes of Tumblr, it IS biased very much against us so as I say I can only get stuff off my chest here as male with a working pair without those posts and my account going into the ether.
This is being written as it rains hard here and with five days to go to the end of this month and just over five weeks to past crimbo and the end of year I'm still in shorts and long grey socks outdoors even if in the last few weeks temperatures have been down to five degrees and sometimes less with the wind.
That's right in all of that time I've been my little biological gendered self confident and assertive male self as this adult little boy growing in stature and to be honest I haven't felt better in all my life for just taking the real me and running with it.
Crimbo here has been sorted with some suitably adult little boy and 100% all boy stuff and I have my presents for people like my family taken care of and just got to write cards in dribs and drabs as my fingers hurt which isn't helped by holding things like pens.
I may write a bit a reviewish thing at the end of year, I don't know yet in what form but I know they'll be a crimbo entry and a review on the other blog.
That's the thing about the likes of Tumblr, it IS biased very much against us so as I say I can only get stuff off my chest here as male with a working pair without those posts and my account going into the ether.
This is being written as it rains hard here and with five days to go to the end of this month and just over five weeks to past crimbo and the end of year I'm still in shorts and long grey socks outdoors even if in the last few weeks temperatures have been down to five degrees and sometimes less with the wind.
That's right in all of that time I've been my little biological gendered self confident and assertive male self as this adult little boy growing in stature and to be honest I haven't felt better in all my life for just taking the real me and running with it.
Crimbo here has been sorted with some suitably adult little boy and 100% all boy stuff and I have my presents for people like my family taken care of and just got to write cards in dribs and drabs as my fingers hurt which isn't helped by holding things like pens.
I may write a bit a reviewish thing at the end of year, I don't know yet in what form but I know they'll be a crimbo entry and a review on the other blog.
Wednesday, 20 November 2019
For being with and for each other as males
Everywhere you go on social media, anime websites and wherever there is this attempt to push the pro female, pro ethic minorities are more pure more virtuous line and routinely write off and out any males especially white males.
This is so silly as people are people and no one group are any better than any other and when it comes to recasting roles often it's not what that audience regardless of it's demographics wants.
To tell you the truth I think we need to get back to first principals here which is no boy nor man needs a woman around him as all society needs is stable relationships for maintaining the human race and even if you are in a relationship with a woman, you need not spend all your time with her.
We all know we prefer the social company of males, it's what we did as boys challenging each other, playing games, establishing mateships and hierarchies that for some of last even now.
We never needed to play with a girl because other boys had what we needed and although we're infamous for not doing intimacy we did share things in our lives like what we learned from other men in our lives and some of our lessor moments.

The thing is there is no real reason we we can't revert to more of that, spending time with your mates, having a drink and chat about whatever is on our minds well away from women bloke to bloke trusting and valuing each other as males together. We don't need women to validate us.
Meanwhile as the Woke Woman runs wild turning the tables on what suited men and women remaking the world in her own image even removing women she feels threaten her views like Mum's who stay home to raise kids something needs to happen here.
Women who choose to have men in their lives need to be reminded of why they did - what we actual contribute with that relationship and allow us to occupy those spaces and butt out of upsurping men's role as the head of the family and focus on what they can offer instead within and for the whole family unit.
This is so silly as people are people and no one group are any better than any other and when it comes to recasting roles often it's not what that audience regardless of it's demographics wants.
To tell you the truth I think we need to get back to first principals here which is no boy nor man needs a woman around him as all society needs is stable relationships for maintaining the human race and even if you are in a relationship with a woman, you need not spend all your time with her.
We all know we prefer the social company of males, it's what we did as boys challenging each other, playing games, establishing mateships and hierarchies that for some of last even now.
We never needed to play with a girl because other boys had what we needed and although we're infamous for not doing intimacy we did share things in our lives like what we learned from other men in our lives and some of our lessor moments.
We spoke of our run-ins with adult male authority together with the licks we received and commiserated with one another without getting soppy over it. We bonded with one another.

The thing is there is no real reason we we can't revert to more of that, spending time with your mates, having a drink and chat about whatever is on our minds well away from women bloke to bloke trusting and valuing each other as males together. We don't need women to validate us.
Meanwhile as the Woke Woman runs wild turning the tables on what suited men and women remaking the world in her own image even removing women she feels threaten her views like Mum's who stay home to raise kids something needs to happen here.
Women who choose to have men in their lives need to be reminded of why they did - what we actual contribute with that relationship and allow us to occupy those spaces and butt out of upsurping men's role as the head of the family and focus on what they can offer instead within and for the whole family unit.
Wednesday, 13 November 2019
To me one of big changes of our time has been how bedrooms, literally a room with a bed in it you may of kept the odd thing in like books and toys has morphed a entertainment and games room to the point we sleep with phones on lest we miss a call or lie in our beds with our iPads, Chromebooks and laptops as if rest and sleep are now wrapped into permanently on lifestyle.
Being sent to your room worked as a threat in part cos you'd miss out everything the rest of the home or school was doing because you were removed
This boy one presumes a model, clearly loves gaming to the point he has the poster like I have a Guardians of the Galaxy comic poster in my bedroom but when in bed with his dog snuggled up to him is no doubt playing!
It's like you can't just enjoy being in bed snuggled up to your dog finding comfort in such close physical contact.
If it wasn't for my own self control I'd have to be honest and say I could soon end up losing rest and sleep even to online life which is why actual kids and adult little boys need rules around this so we do what we need to rather than losing that time with the mental and physical energy loss.
Being sent to your room worked as a threat in part cos you'd miss out everything the rest of the home or school was doing because you were removed
This boy one presumes a model, clearly loves gaming to the point he has the poster like I have a Guardians of the Galaxy comic poster in my bedroom but when in bed with his dog snuggled up to him is no doubt playing!
It's like you can't just enjoy being in bed snuggled up to your dog finding comfort in such close physical contact.
If it wasn't for my own self control I'd have to be honest and say I could soon end up losing rest and sleep even to online life which is why actual kids and adult little boys need rules around this so we do what we need to rather than losing that time with the mental and physical energy loss.
adult child,
adult little boy,
Friday, 8 November 2019
Ain't that the truth
As this blog appears to have gained a little traction given zero publicity on my part perhaps a few words concerning it would appear to be in order.
I think the first thing to say is this isn't a zone for anyone who has or thinks they have a vagina because we don't need you here so buzz off.
Men and boys need space to talk male to male and to do things together free from female interference and so to a greater extent than was possible on Tumblr it is strictly a Boys Only spot.
I'd liken it to the boys and men's changing areas where nothing is hidden and we have no holds bar man talk about what it means to be us. Male.
The blog has a strong Age Dysphoric feel because that is just how I am and how I live my life as a child within adult body and that is reflected in my interests.
For instance I watched Blue Peter as I do every week where they were selecting the books their panel will read and select the entries for next years Children's Book awards with three each in Fiction and Factual titles, a drawing guessing game where an illustrator draw characters from books and four children had to guess who they were.
Best of all a six year girl had written about her Granny who it transpired had flown airplanes during WW2 from the factories to the RAF as part of the Auxiliary Air Force so she got to see Imperial War Museums airplane exhibits including the Spitfire, an example of which we have here and Granny was visited and presented with a Gold badge.
I think the second thing to say was it was never really planned and programmed in the way that the other blogs and the family of Tumblrs were and are and generally acts as a place to make posts around topics that don't fit into the blogs and to whom posting about on Tumblr is highly likely to result in having your account terminated.
Some of that is because in 2019 I care to dare to call out much of the extreme liberal social and gender based bias toward the promotion of female values at the expense of males, the encouragement of effeminacy of males, the denial of binary biological sexual identity that IS integrated into real gender identity and two faced attitudes when it comes to sexual attraction and the sex act.
It also covers the amazingly bizarre world of gender identity politics where apparently you can have no gender and use that to push you have no physiological sex, toss in cross species gender in a list of over 100 genders most of whom are both not know to over 95% of the population and not recognized by medical science.
Criticizing that on social media or in liberal colleges and universities is likely to get you terminated or banned to protect this generations "Safe Spaces" agreements where you can't have people sharing platforms they don't agree with lest their be triggered.
Nearly all of that stuff is complete hogwash AND they're pushing at children under 10!
I don't apologize for being both male and hetrosexual but don't have an issue with anyone's sexuality so if you're reading this and you're gay or bi-sexual, fine.
Wednesday, 6 November 2019
Middle space
The other week I was mulling over some of things that did crop up at, not that sadly that site lasted long, and that generally I tended to talk more in and around the role of age regression within being an adult schoolboy as from my vantage point being one comes from being in the headspace of being a adult little boy, legally an adult emotionally and psychologically very much a child of your own childhood era.
One piece of the jigsaw puzzle is how psychologically you get to being in that frame of mind and what it is that is in there and one topic that often raised its head was spanking which usually is seen as both sexual or kink centric but for some goes back into their childhood emotions and so forms a part of being in a psychological state of being a "little boy" again
There have been times when personally I have struggled with spanking as an element of being that adult little boy not least in website and on social media it's tended to dominate all discussion to the exclusion of look at the how and why we feel still "little boys" even though the law says we're adults.
That text emboldened however did set out clearly a lot of the elements for and of what I get from being spanked in an adult little boy context starting from the very child-like, child-minded side of me needing discipline, direction and correction as I have little 'native' adult or even older child sense of self including self discipline.
The whole context of being subject to spanking, being 'made' to take it at the will of a 'adult authority figure' and the emotional outcome from given a good spanking restores a strong sense of being that little boy, of being young.
Spanking given some of my issues around relating to people, understanding appropriate boundaries forms stronger bonds with me especially between myself and adult males. I am wired very much toward physicality helps with bonding.
While it is entirely understandable a adult little boy who was abused in actual childhood would not and may even be could never accept the role of spanking within such relationships or through other outlets such as age play schools and the like, for me it's a core part, the mirror image of how it was to me as a boy.
One piece of the jigsaw puzzle is how psychologically you get to being in that frame of mind and what it is that is in there and one topic that often raised its head was spanking which usually is seen as both sexual or kink centric but for some goes back into their childhood emotions and so forms a part of being in a psychological state of being a "little boy" again
The Benefits of Getting Spanked by Rodney Calmes
Many people believe that if someone likes to get spanked, it is all sexual. That is not the case all the time. Even though getting spanked has some sexual effects or enhances sexual arousal, there are many non-sexual benefits from getting spanked. What can spankings do for you?
1. Getting spanked relieves stress.
2. Getting spanked is calming.
3. Getting spanked generates endorphins and puts you in a euphoric state.
4. Getting spanked generates adrenaline and gives an adrenaline rush, especially if you are anticipating getting a very harsh one.
5. Getting spanked lifts moods. Russian psychiatrists have found success in treating depression with bare butt whippings.
6. The marks left from getting spanked is like an art of its own.
7. For some, it can restore feelings of youth.
Don’t be ashamed of getting spanked, enjoy it! For those who never tried it in your adult years, give it a try. You never know, you may like it.
That text emboldened however did set out clearly a lot of the elements for and of what I get from being spanked in an adult little boy context starting from the very child-like, child-minded side of me needing discipline, direction and correction as I have little 'native' adult or even older child sense of self including self discipline.
The whole context of being subject to spanking, being 'made' to take it at the will of a 'adult authority figure' and the emotional outcome from given a good spanking restores a strong sense of being that little boy, of being young.
Spanking given some of my issues around relating to people, understanding appropriate boundaries forms stronger bonds with me especially between myself and adult males. I am wired very much toward physicality helps with bonding.
While it is entirely understandable a adult little boy who was abused in actual childhood would not and may even be could never accept the role of spanking within such relationships or through other outlets such as age play schools and the like, for me it's a core part, the mirror image of how it was to me as a boy.
I have decided to allow people to spank me without question from now on.
Wednesday, 30 October 2019
Online rant time
Actually I'm pretty pissed today over something that honestly makes little sense and something that seems to plague online ASB communities.
I publish a few tumblrs, chances are if your ALB or ASB you've encountered mine and we have two sets of problems on Tumblr.
The first is Tumblr tends to inexplicably terminate accounts of those of us are ALB or ASB even though we've not formally broken any of their terms of service, it seems that they see blogs that have a highish if not total preoccupation with perfectly safe for work images of boys with no sexual comments as being in some way connected with Child Exploitation rather than say nostalgic reflections on youth.
This pushes some to become "Gatekeepers" trying to remove anything they think may threaten their own blogs with instances of them reporting others.
The other is people who decide arbitrarily to block you from following them with no attempt to contact you if any aspect of your activity may cause concern.
At the weekend a number of Tumblr blogs of our sort were terminated one of which I did reblog on a regular basis from connected around outdoor pursuits and scouting even since i established a tumblr specifically around that naturally was very much safe for work respectful of minors and to whom they'd not had an issue with me.
I found on Sunday they'd made a new new account so I messaged them from the same account 'd used before, they confirm it is them and the lo and behold, they had blocked me meaning I cannot reblog from them.
Nothing on my account or that Tumblr had changed in the space of a couple of days and yet they had deliberately stopped me from seeing their profile and reblogging.
You sometimes feel like tossing the towel in with them.
I publish a few tumblrs, chances are if your ALB or ASB you've encountered mine and we have two sets of problems on Tumblr.
The first is Tumblr tends to inexplicably terminate accounts of those of us are ALB or ASB even though we've not formally broken any of their terms of service, it seems that they see blogs that have a highish if not total preoccupation with perfectly safe for work images of boys with no sexual comments as being in some way connected with Child Exploitation rather than say nostalgic reflections on youth.
This pushes some to become "Gatekeepers" trying to remove anything they think may threaten their own blogs with instances of them reporting others.
The other is people who decide arbitrarily to block you from following them with no attempt to contact you if any aspect of your activity may cause concern.
At the weekend a number of Tumblr blogs of our sort were terminated one of which I did reblog on a regular basis from connected around outdoor pursuits and scouting even since i established a tumblr specifically around that naturally was very much safe for work respectful of minors and to whom they'd not had an issue with me.
I found on Sunday they'd made a new new account so I messaged them from the same account 'd used before, they confirm it is them and the lo and behold, they had blocked me meaning I cannot reblog from them.
Nothing on my account or that Tumblr had changed in the space of a couple of days and yet they had deliberately stopped me from seeing their profile and reblogging.
You sometimes feel like tossing the towel in with them.
Wednesday, 23 October 2019
Bonds and Role of dress
Today's post does build upon a little from last weeks and probably will tie in with a future post or two as a number of ideas whizz though my mind rather like a certain boy in the Beano did when I was younger.
Bonding really is big one because it's really about a shared sense of identity that leads to a emotional and social sense of connection that almost instinctively you recognize each other, connecting.
You look each other in the eye and feel that you can share things about yourself such as your feelings and interests with each other to the point you become mates, play mates forever together kicking a ball about, playing chess, a computer game or just engaged in horseplay.
You may talk about a book you read, a comic you follow religiously or your musical likes and dislikes as we did often did over school dinners comparing the merits of Wizzard, Mud, the Bay City Rollers and Pilot or what you did at cubs.
You may talk about what you like to wear outside school.
It's possible that you may even talk about what it means and how it feels to be a schoolboy which I have heard a few do because our school uniforms our just a part of how we are as school boys.
I always loved my uniform but I loved and still love being him.
school uniform,
shared interests
Wednesday, 16 October 2019
Getting back to where you once belonged
I would be easily to rail at much that is wrong with the world right now but sometimes it's better to let the red mist drift off and look at what is working instead.
This whole life has been going on a pretty long time to be honest a few rabbit holes I was pushed along into excepted and a few attempts at masking aside but with much of the former it really messed me up.
The thing always was from the outset I was much more younger less by the standards of people of the same birth age 'mature' than most and as time went on that gap got bigger to the point increasingly I had little really in common outside of work and even within to assume I was an adult was an assumption too far.
I had to be handled more like a schoolboy on work experience than a grown man, kept an eye on and have things explained to me simply.
Even if elements of how I presented might of looked more mainstream like wearing mainly Chino pants even if they were fully elasticated then other elements like wearing more school type sweatshirts and having animal design backpacks and cute plushies on the desk were not.
My drifting back after the misguided attempts to take me down other rabbit holes toward being an adult little boy, finally accepting I was in no way functionally adult was a breakthrough as was deciding to present myself at all times as that little boy of junior age has enabled me to be seen and treated more as that adult but child by literally casting the adultness off me whenever I'm in company at home or in the community.
By appearing in my shirt, grey shorts and matching long grey socks, I am no longer mistaken by people for an adult and they feel more able to exercise the kind of protected oversight and authority I need having de-adulted myself in public.
Thus for me life for having made this step is all the more better.
This whole life has been going on a pretty long time to be honest a few rabbit holes I was pushed along into excepted and a few attempts at masking aside but with much of the former it really messed me up.
The thing always was from the outset I was much more younger less by the standards of people of the same birth age 'mature' than most and as time went on that gap got bigger to the point increasingly I had little really in common outside of work and even within to assume I was an adult was an assumption too far.
I had to be handled more like a schoolboy on work experience than a grown man, kept an eye on and have things explained to me simply.
Even if elements of how I presented might of looked more mainstream like wearing mainly Chino pants even if they were fully elasticated then other elements like wearing more school type sweatshirts and having animal design backpacks and cute plushies on the desk were not.
My drifting back after the misguided attempts to take me down other rabbit holes toward being an adult little boy, finally accepting I was in no way functionally adult was a breakthrough as was deciding to present myself at all times as that little boy of junior age has enabled me to be seen and treated more as that adult but child by literally casting the adultness off me whenever I'm in company at home or in the community.
By appearing in my shirt, grey shorts and matching long grey socks, I am no longer mistaken by people for an adult and they feel more able to exercise the kind of protected oversight and authority I need having de-adulted myself in public.
Thus for me life for having made this step is all the more better.
adult child,
adult little boy,
adult schoolboy,
Wednesday, 9 October 2019
Gender and dolls
Recent Mattel owners of Barbie announced they were going to create a range of Gender Neutral dolls so in theory at least the child can choose view it as it wants.
The first thing I will say is actually the bodies of the dolls look more female to me, particularly the faces even if eyebrows and lips have been made less obviously female or male.
And really that's where the problem with this starts because while any child has imagination and could create less gender conforming stories with props for their dolls in the end the appearance of all of us is determined through biology.
Hormones determine muscle, the shape of faces which when anyone medically transitioning from one gender to another becomes apparent: They look different apart from keeping breasts when it comes to female to male and penis and testicles because those things and a lot of internal 'plumbing' can't be easily reversed except by surgery and even then the internals are stuck.
You can argue for wide roles between the genders, equal pay and voting rights but in the end we are gendered to which no amount of after the fact human manipulation alters with significant numbers even regretting ultimately.
We don't get to chose our gender or to be genderless in reality, picking the parts only to write the script of what our gender means to us personally including our own choices about interests, hobbies and careers.
To further encourage children to believe against science that they can do so rather than finding themselves loving their bodies as they are to me is basically wrong.
I'd soon give boys and girls anatomically accurate male and female dolls to dress up, have fun playing with other kids with wither or not they play war games, hospital roles, caring for people and animals or whatever because that's the reality for all of us-we do what personally we're good at.
Left liberal gender politics doesn't belong in the world of Children especially when it sows confusion.
The first thing I will say is actually the bodies of the dolls look more female to me, particularly the faces even if eyebrows and lips have been made less obviously female or male.
And really that's where the problem with this starts because while any child has imagination and could create less gender conforming stories with props for their dolls in the end the appearance of all of us is determined through biology.
Hormones determine muscle, the shape of faces which when anyone medically transitioning from one gender to another becomes apparent: They look different apart from keeping breasts when it comes to female to male and penis and testicles because those things and a lot of internal 'plumbing' can't be easily reversed except by surgery and even then the internals are stuck.
You can argue for wide roles between the genders, equal pay and voting rights but in the end we are gendered to which no amount of after the fact human manipulation alters with significant numbers even regretting ultimately.
We don't get to chose our gender or to be genderless in reality, picking the parts only to write the script of what our gender means to us personally including our own choices about interests, hobbies and careers.
To further encourage children to believe against science that they can do so rather than finding themselves loving their bodies as they are to me is basically wrong.
I'd soon give boys and girls anatomically accurate male and female dolls to dress up, have fun playing with other kids with wither or not they play war games, hospital roles, caring for people and animals or whatever because that's the reality for all of us-we do what personally we're good at.
Left liberal gender politics doesn't belong in the world of Children especially when it sows confusion.
Wednesday, 2 October 2019
Wednesdays musings
After so much discourse about language this week in parliament a few thoughts on the topic.
I would never advocate screaming your head off but just wittering away about your feelings and expecting everything sugar coated simply doesn't cut it when it comes to serious discussion nor does knowing when to finish making your point.
An awful lot of women do think they are so superior they just jabber away as if no one who is male actually matters especially when concentrate on feelings rather than facts and consequences.
It is no surprise the best legal and political female brains are more like mens!
Because of the obsession with how it feels rather than what it actually is, a chunk of women find they have often misread situations and deny any man the chance to actually explain cos they think they have it so right they are only looking for confirmation of that bias.
l hate to sound sexist but some females are emotional weaklings who trade on "but you wouldn't hurt my feelings" simper simper.
Sometimes it makes more sense to go with what your man is wanting. Why go to a party if you don't wish to dance and when many women like a man who takes the lead naturally?
confirmation bias,
women politicians
Wednesday, 25 September 2019
What's wrong with tumblr
We have a day or so to go before Tumblr's ownership changes to Automattic, inc the owners of Wordpress so what do think about it?
I think the first thing I'd say was although I'm wary of sites from the point of view of permanency, staying around as a place to blog I'd not have to blog on here for most of content had it not been due to a combination of policies and biases.
Tumblr has been around before but the amount of issues arising from trying to firstly make "adult content" an opt in which as much as I don't do adult content made sense while locking by default 18 and under accounts away from it made sense.
Then last year they reversed it following issues with both Google and especially Apple app stores as they won't allow anything adult no matter what but the use of AI systems to automatically detect inappropriate material backfired driving people off because appealing took ages and the error rate was very high.
The second area is somehow tumblr regards blogs about childhood looking at from a reflective past lives sense that contains images of children as being...child porn and periodically removes without warning and very poor appealing systems.
I had to wait seven months to get a blog of mine back after eventually they found no reason to have deactivated it.
They seem to presume a blog comprised mainly of pictures suitable for family photo albums of boys (and also publishable as a retro past lives book) is child exploitation material.
On the other hand they don't tackle blatant child sexualization by gay men of children under ten going on leave me to report it pray they might act cos gays are a minority and they support minorities all the way.
To some extent my biggest bugbear and why this blogs has to be on here is because of Tumblrs liberal social justice warrior 'woke' bias that not only sends me material around topics I didn't want in my stream but also shuts down oppositions to such ideas that there ARE issues in how some moslems want to reshape western societies to suit there own beliefs that go against our own, the idea that gender and sex are related being driven by biology, that we have over 100 genders AND have to agree to it (they call it respect but just saying you disagree is enough for them to say it's "hate speech") and pointing the high level of dissatisfaction post op transsexuals have out.
They won't act on men's complaints around misandry but remove anything that questions the third wave feminist agenda and #metoo.
You try to blog around traditional male values for boys growing up and men that give them a sense of purpose based on what is innately in them, boys being physical in play, acting the warrior being a man and you find posts removed.
Thus I have to blog about my issues on here and from what I hear people on Wordpress have similar issues with them.
You have to agree and endorse this new gender free but 100+ gender, male hating climate change emergency crisis, black lives matter, anti brexit and tribute take of what is supposed to be a blog publisher who isn't neutral.
I think the first thing I'd say was although I'm wary of sites from the point of view of permanency, staying around as a place to blog I'd not have to blog on here for most of content had it not been due to a combination of policies and biases.
Tumblr has been around before but the amount of issues arising from trying to firstly make "adult content" an opt in which as much as I don't do adult content made sense while locking by default 18 and under accounts away from it made sense.
Then last year they reversed it following issues with both Google and especially Apple app stores as they won't allow anything adult no matter what but the use of AI systems to automatically detect inappropriate material backfired driving people off because appealing took ages and the error rate was very high.
The second area is somehow tumblr regards blogs about childhood looking at from a reflective past lives sense that contains images of children as being...child porn and periodically removes without warning and very poor appealing systems.
I had to wait seven months to get a blog of mine back after eventually they found no reason to have deactivated it.
They seem to presume a blog comprised mainly of pictures suitable for family photo albums of boys (and also publishable as a retro past lives book) is child exploitation material.
On the other hand they don't tackle blatant child sexualization by gay men of children under ten going on leave me to report it pray they might act cos gays are a minority and they support minorities all the way.
To some extent my biggest bugbear and why this blogs has to be on here is because of Tumblrs liberal social justice warrior 'woke' bias that not only sends me material around topics I didn't want in my stream but also shuts down oppositions to such ideas that there ARE issues in how some moslems want to reshape western societies to suit there own beliefs that go against our own, the idea that gender and sex are related being driven by biology, that we have over 100 genders AND have to agree to it (they call it respect but just saying you disagree is enough for them to say it's "hate speech") and pointing the high level of dissatisfaction post op transsexuals have out.
They won't act on men's complaints around misandry but remove anything that questions the third wave feminist agenda and #metoo.
You try to blog around traditional male values for boys growing up and men that give them a sense of purpose based on what is innately in them, boys being physical in play, acting the warrior being a man and you find posts removed.
Thus I have to blog about my issues on here and from what I hear people on Wordpress have similar issues with them.
You have to agree and endorse this new gender free but 100+ gender, male hating climate change emergency crisis, black lives matter, anti brexit and tribute take of what is supposed to be a blog publisher who isn't neutral.
Wednesday, 18 September 2019
Feed the affections
Contrary to popular assertion as males were are affectionate toward other living things feeling a strong sense of love and affection toward them such as many of us had toward our pet dogs or cats as young boys.We stroked and hugged them affectionately no matter what may of happened,even kissing them feeling their every living breathing emotion.
We'd go through rain and snow for them if they'd gone missing because we cared that much for them, we hand actually formed a bond that lasted
We formed bonds too with our closest friends hanging out with them by choice for ages, we helped each other out in both practical ways and also by just talking about what was on our minds.
We bear hugged each other.
We looked after younger boys than ourselves caring for them as older boys and men cared for us.
As boys and men, we do actually care.
Wednesday, 11 September 2019
Gender cultural elimination
In modern day Britain the return of the School Term is being marked unparalleled stupidity at a high school in Lewes, East Sussex with a complete turnabout in the schools uniform in a way that is disturbing but sadly not unknown.
This, the last time I looked was BOY, he's pretty happy about being one and has fight over the last four years for the right to wear tailored school shorts which an increasing number at high school now do as they did upto the early 1970's.
She is a GIRL, she likes being one and while some girls do wear trousers (or shorts) a sizable number do wear skirts or dresses mirroring what adult women wear and in most schools as in the work place that's your choice so long as it's presentable.
Now at this high school you are NOT a BOY or GIRL nor will you be referred to as one because you no longer have a gender but you will wear only trousers in the interests of gender neutrality and supporting trans rights.
Yes, supporting trans rights while saying you aren't a gender and denying gender expression though your attire. It's so messed up I don't even know where to begin taking it apart.
People who feel they are transsexual do have a gender identity that this school would deny while those the 99.3 who are not also aren't allowed to express their gender identity because the entire policy is routed in protecting the even small number who are unsure they even have a gender identity.
Newsflash. Some boys share a few traits with girls and some girls share traits with boys but that doesn't mean they are not BOYS and GIRLS because biologically that's how you're wired with girls having breasts, wombs and vaginas and boys testicles and penis.
There is no more gender identity confusion today than at any other point in time so much as an attempt to deny gender by sowing doubt something that enabled the human race to procreate in the first place by disregarding completely biology.
Wednesday, 4 September 2019
Dealing with situations
I will no long complain about my life because it is unbecoming of a man to be a bitch and it changes nothing. Instead I will work my balls off to change the situation for myself.
I will no longer entertain the notion there is no right and wrong and be prepared to stand up for what is right and fight what is wrong instead. I will stop being a little bitch and taking a effing stance.
I will no longer pout recognizing my life is harsh, can suck and isn't easy. Bad stuff happens to good people all the time but my pouting achieves nothing so i will choose to look on the bright side of life, appreciate wherever I am and take advantage of the opportunities I have.
I have a choice between a victim or a victor but the latter will never arise from the former.
I am not entitled to a single thing, someone else's money, a job nor happiness just the right to persue it. I have to earn it.
I will no longer entertain the idea that blaming others because when I do I relinquish any notion of power having control over my thoughts or my own future and hand them to others.
I shall take responsibility for my own actions accepting I own my situation and work toward improving things for myself.
I will not quit from those tasks and bars I am capable of, seeing it through working through pain and discomfort to achieve rather than expecting to be consoled and rewarded for being the very definition of a pussy.
Rather than insisting in having my views being beyond challenge, I will accept every man has the right to challenge and confront them with the expectation I am able to defend them and allow me to trump other peoples.
While I will not look for a fight I will stand and fight my corner being prepared to meet out what is being given to me back to them, facing it down.
Rather than putting things off and being lazy, I will battle against such feelings to get done what I can for myself and others who depend on me as they in turned did for me.
Wednesday, 28 August 2019
On restoring our faith in ourselves
You can tell the real boy a mile off by what he gravitates toward never mind tries out for real such as playing soldiers even as here using a real weapon in controlled safe environment such as at this Armed Forces day event.
Never mind those who'd be outraged by the very idea of introducing a boy to weapons and enjoying doing so.
This week we learned that in 2018 the Royal Mint's panel turned down the suggestion of making a Commemorative Fifty Pence Piece to mark fifty years of the death of the highly popular author Enid Blyton because they believed she was racist, homophobic and sexist.
That was news to me as I've never seen anything remotely homophobic in the many books I have of hers usually in older editions and while the odd character might of said something that today might be seen as sexist that was little different from the world itself we lived in.
When it comes to the charge of Racism there is little stereotypical black as feeble-minded, mischievous or lesser character roles as any other and Gollywogs or Gollies as we called were as much the goodies as not.
The Golly was never seen as a representation of actual black people within British Society and never by boys such as me who owned and played with gollywogs who often were the first to stand up against actual racism in the playground and dining hall.
That whole 'issue' really stems from the importation of American norms where 'blacked up' mimetic submissive characters did exist and then taking a very American centric view at black history and racism.
Our Gollies' as featured on Robinson's Jam didn't 'Jive talk' or speak in croele. They spoke and used 'standard english'.
No Boy (or girl for that matter) was harmed by what she wrote which were gripping adventures and short stories that reflected the world in which they had been written, typically the late nineteen-thirties to early nineteen-sixties where immigration while existing wasn't as widespread so it would of been rare to have seen anyone who wasn't white British.
To the extent you could say she did see the role of then Empire as lead by Whites, well few would argue against allowing people to rule themselves but the jury is very much out if they are any better run for that today and many felt things were better all round for it.
More to the point I feel actually today's young would benefit from being able to read stories where boys really are boys strong, leading and also caring and girls can lead but are able show more of their inner feminine side with nothing to prove free from adult agendas around gender roles and signal virtueing.
Boys and girls under ten do not want to read about alternate gender and sexual identities because they're read very much for relaxation for fun that also help build up word knowledge.
All boys and girls want to do is read stories about their world that can take hold in their own imaginations and only later on look more into what they personally believe about themselves and the wider world.
The trouble with the Liberal Marxist approach is it just denies the reality of what you yourself feel and love to do, read and enjoy for a half baked ideological orthodoxy which itself will be condemned in the next twenty or so years.
The past is best looked at from the standards of its own day, lessons perhaps being drawn from not fed into a 'memory hole' to be erased for not fitting an approved viewpoint of today.
We must stand up for ourselves and what we believe to be right.
Never mind those who'd be outraged by the very idea of introducing a boy to weapons and enjoying doing so.
This week we learned that in 2018 the Royal Mint's panel turned down the suggestion of making a Commemorative Fifty Pence Piece to mark fifty years of the death of the highly popular author Enid Blyton because they believed she was racist, homophobic and sexist.
That was news to me as I've never seen anything remotely homophobic in the many books I have of hers usually in older editions and while the odd character might of said something that today might be seen as sexist that was little different from the world itself we lived in.
When it comes to the charge of Racism there is little stereotypical black as feeble-minded, mischievous or lesser character roles as any other and Gollywogs or Gollies as we called were as much the goodies as not.
The Golly was never seen as a representation of actual black people within British Society and never by boys such as me who owned and played with gollywogs who often were the first to stand up against actual racism in the playground and dining hall.
That whole 'issue' really stems from the importation of American norms where 'blacked up' mimetic submissive characters did exist and then taking a very American centric view at black history and racism.
Our Gollies' as featured on Robinson's Jam didn't 'Jive talk' or speak in croele. They spoke and used 'standard english'.
No Boy (or girl for that matter) was harmed by what she wrote which were gripping adventures and short stories that reflected the world in which they had been written, typically the late nineteen-thirties to early nineteen-sixties where immigration while existing wasn't as widespread so it would of been rare to have seen anyone who wasn't white British.
To the extent you could say she did see the role of then Empire as lead by Whites, well few would argue against allowing people to rule themselves but the jury is very much out if they are any better run for that today and many felt things were better all round for it.
More to the point I feel actually today's young would benefit from being able to read stories where boys really are boys strong, leading and also caring and girls can lead but are able show more of their inner feminine side with nothing to prove free from adult agendas around gender roles and signal virtueing.
Boys and girls under ten do not want to read about alternate gender and sexual identities because they're read very much for relaxation for fun that also help build up word knowledge.
All boys and girls want to do is read stories about their world that can take hold in their own imaginations and only later on look more into what they personally believe about themselves and the wider world.
The trouble with the Liberal Marxist approach is it just denies the reality of what you yourself feel and love to do, read and enjoy for a half baked ideological orthodoxy which itself will be condemned in the next twenty or so years.
The past is best looked at from the standards of its own day, lessons perhaps being drawn from not fed into a 'memory hole' to be erased for not fitting an approved viewpoint of today.
We must stand up for ourselves and what we believe to be right.
Wednesday, 21 August 2019
Older boys as key to raising younger peers
Something I do think isn't talked about is how older boys can teach others how to behave appropriately by giving them some responsibility over younger boys which may be the granting of say Dinner Monitor status to ensure plates are returned and scraped off properly, captaincy of a team or being a Prefect or Head Boy responsible for a group of boys.
I feel that leads to both the development of personal responsibility and real leadership, learning to step in on the outset and deal with things rather than waiting for someone else
Yes it may mean punishing the person although it need not be physical even if metaphorically speaking giving him a whipping is what he needed when he posed a danger to everyone.
I was given some memorable spankings by older boys when I was really out of hand that probably were the more effective for being administered by peers rather than adults as they made me think about my behaviour.
Yes it may mean punishing the person although it need not be physical even if metaphorically speaking giving him a whipping is what he needed when he posed a danger to everyone.
I was given some memorable spankings by older boys when I was really out of hand that probably were the more effective for being administered by peers rather than adults as they made me think about my behaviour.
Wednesday, 14 August 2019
Culture wars on Tumblr
Sometimes between what might be a planned post, something unexpected happens that changes matters.
I do blog about Scouting for personal reasons and on Tumblr had followed a number of blogs connected with it but had noticed a number seemed to be disappearing.
One I loved by by a user who went under the username Redneckerchief who as far as I was aware was an American who blog about youth movements around the world both from the past and the present day.
He looked at some people like me had political and moral issues without political endorsement such as The Young Pioneers in what was the Soviet Union connected with the Communist Party and then things such as Scouting such as Boy Scouts of America (B.S.A.), GirlScouting and their British parents the Scout Association and Girlguilding UK, posting about and images of members engaged learning useful skills and building up good knowledge that would help the become useful, reliable young people, an asset to their communities.
The username came from the fact all these groups used the neckerchief as a symbol of belonging and all of his posts and comments were very much safe for work, respectful of the young people themselves and not in violation of Tumblr's terms and conditions.
Thus it was a surprise to me to see his account wiped out on Friday when I went to back up my Scouting Tumblr to blogger which sadly is a must given the arbitrary nature of these things.
The sad thing is they take little action against people who hold despicable material such as child pr0n and yet blogs that are about childhood and often positive about things like boys education, traditional school dress and scouting just get axed.
There are times when I wonder if that sites ultra liberal bias such as summing everyone is a social justice activist fighting for 76 genders, putting gay and transgendered, people on pedestal where being so trumps anything else they do (or have done) supporting extreme climate change demonstrators while allowing anti male posts and memes to be posted has something to do with it.
Are things associated more with traditional social models and gender roles something Tumblr and the Liberals want shut down or at least neutered to comply with the second wave of feminism with its issues with men and stay at home Mums?
I do blog about Scouting for personal reasons and on Tumblr had followed a number of blogs connected with it but had noticed a number seemed to be disappearing.
One I loved by by a user who went under the username Redneckerchief who as far as I was aware was an American who blog about youth movements around the world both from the past and the present day.
He looked at some people like me had political and moral issues without political endorsement such as The Young Pioneers in what was the Soviet Union connected with the Communist Party and then things such as Scouting such as Boy Scouts of America (B.S.A.), GirlScouting and their British parents the Scout Association and Girlguilding UK, posting about and images of members engaged learning useful skills and building up good knowledge that would help the become useful, reliable young people, an asset to their communities.
The username came from the fact all these groups used the neckerchief as a symbol of belonging and all of his posts and comments were very much safe for work, respectful of the young people themselves and not in violation of Tumblr's terms and conditions.
Thus it was a surprise to me to see his account wiped out on Friday when I went to back up my Scouting Tumblr to blogger which sadly is a must given the arbitrary nature of these things.
The sad thing is they take little action against people who hold despicable material such as child pr0n and yet blogs that are about childhood and often positive about things like boys education, traditional school dress and scouting just get axed.
There are times when I wonder if that sites ultra liberal bias such as summing everyone is a social justice activist fighting for 76 genders, putting gay and transgendered, people on pedestal where being so trumps anything else they do (or have done) supporting extreme climate change demonstrators while allowing anti male posts and memes to be posted has something to do with it.
Are things associated more with traditional social models and gender roles something Tumblr and the Liberals want shut down or at least neutered to comply with the second wave of feminism with its issues with men and stay at home Mums?
culture wars,
erasing the past,
traditional values
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