Wednesday 24 April 2024

Rainy recollections

You know what it did yesterday after a dry couple of days don't you? Bloomin well started raining again which put pay to the idea of going to the playground yesterday yo go on the swings which is what I love doing.
The Beano did arrive through the letterbox as last week we marked the arrival fully formed of Rodger The Dodger some sixty nine years ago not that I was around at the start when I first started having it together with strips like Little Plum, Tom, Dick and Sally plus Lord Snooty and Pals which aren't around anymore.

The well read will view this scene where Dennis and Gnasher get to be maids for Walter as payback for the menacing the pair of them did to Walter and his "Softies" mates over the years and their refined manners.

Bullying is never right.

The Pink Panther Show on tv and its spin offs was always a big thing with me as our pink feline friend outwitted everyone to fill the world wirh Pantherly Pride and ensuring everything was in the pink.

These 1981 stickers were just a part of what some of us bought and applied liberally to anything within reach not least any folders that just looked so plain boring at the time or to my parents dismay, walls near the light switches.

Just what did you do back then?

Wednesday 17 April 2024

Mid month damp round up

Another week of weird weather here such as near tornado winds early monday morning with thunder and lightning mixed into it which woke me up a few times and not great for going beyong the gate either.

So that meant reading a few comics that had come across the weekend and in the instance of The Beano the joke page with its corny kidtastic jokes.

And the neighbourhood cats came around so you find yourself talking with them, getting down to cat level although I don't feel I could make a home for one with I'm not too good and would neighbours to look after one when I'm away like the other week.

I've been cleaning a couple of  of 12" singles  from the early 80's and putting them in innersleeves to keep dust out and avoid the rough card insides marking them and  playing a few albums by Fleetwood Mac and Dire Straits.

We've had a couple of new sign ups at the forum too which is nice.

Wednesday 10 April 2024

Easter themed fun

 Easter again I hear you ask?

Well that was last weekend with all the bloomin' chaos of hastily rearranged train journeys, meet ups and all that and even would the drivers turn out on Sunday to drive the services offered.

Fortunately I did get away, a day later and was about get straight off the train, across the station concourse to the taxi rank in minutes ready for socializing playing games, thankfully not croquet or cricket but I did knock all the cans over!

An easter egg hunt was held which was fun as the eggs were literally everywhere, in the undergrowth, in trees and even sheds but least I found some.

The were easter related quizes and yarns being delivered until everyone fell sleep, talking of which I nearly fell of the chair being that tired head first but at least I didn't quite manage that!!!

We had planned on going for short hike along a disused railay line but conditions were too soft underfoot even for the most able never mind wibbly-wobberly me  so we walk to the venue for lunch which was excellent before making my way back in time for tea.

Wednesday 3 April 2024

Rambling Easter thoughts


Well this being done on the chromebook because for some strange reason from time to time the bigger laptop likes to just switch off without warning and the battery holds 94% charge which may not be brilliant but is adequate as it's mainly used off the mains.

I've been reading at a slow comfortable pace the recent Codename Warlord compilation with all the stories written for the weekly Commando magazines this century with the first few done for the Watlord Comic itself way back in September 1974 where it really shook up the world of boys adventure comics with its graphics.

Yesterday I was playing a record not uncommon here a new and surprisingly inexpensive copy of Bookends by Simon and Garfunkel which although that album came out in 1968 when I was still just in single digits, was full of songs were grew up listening to as much as did to Top 40 pop hits on Radio One on 247 and buying them.

There's plenty of the original singles here well stored and the thing in many ways is they all connect to that overall sense of that boyhood I am very much in the mindset of today.

That boy had Easter Eggs although I discovered diary milk  chocolate often lead to maigraines and if you ate say a whole small bar then I was out of commission in bed with a bucket by me in case of being sick so I usually try to ensure I get white.

While that's very sweet and you have to mind your blood sugars I can better tolerate white chocolate and that's what I've been eating this easter weekend and the years rolled back.