Wednesday 25 April 2018

Discipline vs Punishment

This is a bit late in completion as I'm very poorly but anyway it needs to done.
The great thing about words is people not only argue about the appropriateness of them but often about the exact means as there are many in English that a very similar but not completely the same.
 Miss Kitty makes a very good point.

A punishment is the imposition of an undesirable or unpleasant outcome upon a group or individual, meted out by an authority—in contexts ranging from child discipline to criminal law—as a response and deterrent to a particular action or behaviour that is deemed undesirable or unacceptable. Of itself it doesn't include guidance, being essentially  reactive - you break a window, you receive legal sanctions for criminal damage such as a fine or community order.
To discipline implies active steps around teaching and training appropriate conduct, attitude and behaviour but when a rule is broken, a sanction is applied to deter the person from repeating.  This can and for me does include forfeits, lines and spanking.

Wednesday 18 April 2018

Real equality starts by recognizing we ARE different

It seems to me people have a problem with being a male because rather than acknowledging as a few still do boys and girls are for the most part different, complementary  and that is fine, we prefer to judge from a feminine baseline.
The very strengths that built our civilization are seemingly not fit for purpose in the post feminist world.
At least one Feminist does recognize the one missing thing from the gender revolution has been 60 years of male debate about our roles, how we express our gender and how we can better raise a greater more equal society that values men and women.
The absence of which is leading boys and men with no idea of what is expected of them as males.

Wednesday 11 April 2018


Bonds are the most deepest level of connection between two or more people being more than the mere verbalization of their feelings, they have a very tactile feeling being expressed as much physically through hugs and warm embraces as anything else.
For me, this was mainly associated with playing soccer with boys where at least then I did feel onside, very much one of the boys. 

Wednesday 4 April 2018

Comic memories

After last weeks ouchie experiences my mind drifted back a bit to when it was my Gran was still about and not least comics cos she always bought me a comic every week I'd go visit here or if I couldn't they would be saved up until I could.
I didn't generally go much for superman hero type comics but more regular girl or mixed gender ones although I did read the cartoon strips in newspapers .
I also did buy cartoon books usually a yearly annual that collected the whole series on better quality paper and in hindsight it had to be said some of them did have spanking depicted in them because in that era it was just a social norm as it was for us too.
We'd just laugh our socks off at this whole situation envying Superman for his heat resistant can take anything behind.
I also at one time had a annual that had a multi page strip series about the a well to do mother struggling to control her teen daughter using the then contemporary pop psychology of just ignoring episodes as they were 'phases' you'd go through and grown out of which I suspect was a thinly disguised dig at Doctor Spock's child rearing guidance and his followers where she just tears up that guidance and takes her across her lap for a hairbrushing!
Actually this week I've been pretty good, helping out, not making messes and have managed to walk the furthest I've done for years without getting out of breath that helps with weekends as the meals tend to be bigger and more loaded with fats and that although this weekend I had some community magazines to deliver on foot plus a card for Mommy.
I'll just slowly work my way through the easter egg and chocolate concentrating on being good I think.