Wednesday 2 October 2019

Wednesdays musings

After so much discourse about language this week in parliament a few thoughts on the topic.

I would never advocate screaming your head off but just wittering away about your feelings and expecting everything sugar coated simply doesn't cut it when it comes to serious discussion nor does knowing when to finish making your point.
An awful lot of women do think they are so superior they just jabber away as if no one who is male actually matters especially when concentrate on feelings rather than facts and consequences.
It is no surprise the best legal and political female brains are more like mens!
Because of the obsession with how it feels rather than what it actually is, a chunk of women find they have often misread situations and deny any man the chance to actually explain cos they think they have it so right they are only looking for confirmation of that bias.
l hate to sound sexist but some females are emotional weaklings who trade on "but you wouldn't hurt my feelings" simper simper.
Sometimes it makes more sense to go with what your man is wanting. Why go to a party if you don't wish to dance and when many women like a man who takes the lead naturally?

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