Wednesday 4 September 2019

Dealing with situations

I will no long complain about my life because it is unbecoming of a man to be a bitch and it changes nothing. Instead I will work my balls off to change the situation for myself.

I will no longer entertain the notion there is no right and wrong and be prepared to stand up for what is right and fight what is wrong instead. I will stop being a little bitch and taking a effing stance.

I will no longer pout recognizing my life is harsh, can suck and isn't easy. Bad stuff happens to good people all the time but my pouting achieves nothing so i will choose to look on the bright side of life, appreciate wherever I am and take advantage of the opportunities I have.
I have a choice between a victim or a victor but the latter will never arise from the former.
I am not entitled to a single thing, someone else's money, a job nor happiness just the right to persue it. I have to earn it.

I will no longer entertain the idea that blaming others because when I do I relinquish any notion of power having control over my thoughts or my own future and hand them to others.
I shall take responsibility for my own actions accepting I own my situation and work toward improving things for myself.

I will not quit from those tasks and bars I am capable of, seeing it through working through pain and discomfort to achieve rather than expecting to be consoled and rewarded for being the very definition of a pussy.

Rather than insisting in having my views being beyond challenge, I will accept every man has the right to  challenge and confront them with the expectation I am able to defend them and allow me to trump other peoples.

While I will not look for a fight I will stand and fight my corner being prepared to meet out what is being given to me back to them, facing it down.

Rather than putting things off and being lazy, I will battle against such feelings to get done what I can for myself and others who depend on me as they in turned did for me.

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