Wednesday 30 January 2019

Age Regression Therapy Treatment

After the ten months since I found and established an account on Tumblr one outstanding issue over a blog on the account run by another has been resolved with that being handed back to me as they've made their own.

This has meant I've taken more consideration over just where everything around this life has been and is likely to headed for the foreseeable feature.

I am being placed under Age Regression Therapy which means nearly everything is being taken back to a childhood state where virtually all adult aspects of life are going from my life from now on.

I will from now on be treated like a child by my parents in a strict but loving fashion and where I will be treated by all other adults as a child.

This has been agreed because I am a little boy who has not become an adult despite my chronological age and so continue to need the same handling while being afford the opportunity to learn to be more responsible as that little boy by being given a second chance.

As part of this treatment, I am to wear full time schoolboy attire which is appropriate for a boy under fourteen years of age including being kept in shorts indoors and out, wearing boys long socks and subject to inspection.

I am also to accept whatever reasonable chastisement may be necessary as little boy be it verbal or otherwise from the responsible adults who are going to care for me as if I'm a (chronological) child.

Birdsong at 4 is a nice thing as I'm still battling with trying to keep obsessive computer use under control as I have these totally obsessive urges to pursue a  line of thought to its conclusion or continue with something to its very end no matter how much time it is taking up or indeed into what the time really is. Thanks why I need a spanking at times.

It's probably connected to how autism works in me, like I can be so undermotivated at times to do something and at others when I'm not it's 180 degrees the opposite so yes it's nice not to be up before five not hearing the  an on the computer but the birds in the wood.

This is to aid me help me learn (and relearn) the skills I do need while in a social setting that ensures I am treated as developmentally I am so I am as independent as I can be while accepting I will never be an adult functionally.

Wednesday 23 January 2019

The caught up week

I am so reminded of this as for me this whole pose is a default of mine like when at the weekend I was playing with my lego finding it so relaxing I even sent my digger along daddy's shoe which was so kid like it was unbelievable!
Thanks to that I found enough energy within myself to get a lot of things done so I can take the week steady enjoying yesterday's snow flurries coming down in big white flakes although I'll need to watch out for ice this morning as it is cold.
Thankfully one false blog flagging at Tumblr was resolved within eight eight minutes of communication just because the A.I system took offence at an avatar change as I completed a set of changes planned before the current situation and getting my main one and the pure age regression one on using their importer and backing one seconday and the main to Wordpress too in part to deal with an issue that's only going to get worse.
Tumblr encourages people to reblog rather than repost other peoples work but if the A.I system flags it, then until that person contests it and has it reinstated or if they don't but pull it, then your curated Tumblr soon gets holes where missing posts were.
What is worse if these are several years old but only just flagged, the person who posted may no longer be active so in effect you lose that post (and so does everyone else) messing up your blog.
In 99.9% of cases they would be restorable by Tumblrs own guidelines which is why I've taken to backing everything up which also is an insurance against losing any of my accounts which is what happened to mark 1 of TSB 2.

Wednesday 16 January 2019

Thoughts on the week

The good news of the week is Edward is back having had his account pulled without any warning and with no flagged content whatsoever which while I missed him also showed I did not feel lost without him being around because I knew how to handle myself.

Do you know what? It's just been sleeting up here with humongous big chunks of white stuff falling down although it doesn't look like it's for sticking around at least on flat places lower down from some of neighbouring towns that tend to see more what stuff than we do although some say they roll downbank sledging toward us as the gradients are high.

I love terms like gradients, kind reminds me of geography teachers going on all about various land features like knolls and even had us reading ordinance survey maps as that was something apparently they had to teach us between spells of acting the goat. Mind you you're never without mapping if you can use a paper one and a compass rather than relying on GPS an that.

I wasn't too good Wednesday, feeling rather tired so I needed me lucazade and bed rest as much as really detest doing nothing so I had to stay here with me radio on quiet for company head on pillow drinking that stuff except for a bite to eat and obviously go the loo.

Thing was I had PLANS like starting on reading me copy of the Jungle Book with Mowgli the mancub and that so they were put on hold and remove a couple of worn shirts from my wardrobe apart from generally doing it out cos I don't know about you sometimes stuff can stay there forever regardless of condition like on of me old snake clasp belts.

I did get out a little yesterday for a walk which was good and all being well I'll have me footie strip on later on this week all being well for a kick about

Wednesday 9 January 2019

Posterity and changes for the better

Someday's if it were possible to connect the output of my brain to a computer monitor what you would see is something like this which really is where it is and has remained at over these years.

That scene, Chris in the art class trying to paint is one I remember well in Juniors while being given one to one tuition trying take it all in to produce something that could stand alongside my classmates on the class wall before coming home for posterity.

Work is continuing as I mentioned on post 1,700 ish on Tumblr around a plan B for my accounts because much is going on, the false flagging of posts while adult content bots keep following and reposting my stuff that leads to more of the same even though on all I've made it plain anything NSFW isn't accepted and followers who are will be banned.

Moreover, on Chris_minor because that is purely regression based belonging to a minor friendly age regression community it's not just a question of simply being nsfw it's being NOT 18+ content period so pron from any angle is an absolute no.

The plan B is partially done with the content of That Traditional Schoolboy and Chris_minor being imported with a update to bring in newer content and the adding of the ability to change avatars on site rather than using the captured ones from Tumblr.

To me that suggests the site is being prepared for full launch with the ability to make new posts and messaging enabled fairly soon.

It's also been the week my best buddy got axed from Tumblr in what seems to be a recurring spat even though there was never any issues with his posts by someone who had an issue to him posting around the film Sammy Goes South and possibly using that as a username.

Edward taught me a lot as we did message each other regularly talking about what it means to be male which to be blunt is never a conversation any boy or man ever had with me leaving me with the feeling someone cared to step in and call out so much of the stuff in the years between the end of schooling and now I'd just uncritically absorbed especially around how I saw myself.

He helped me found my own sense of masculinity and help it kick back in taking control feeling the testosterone surge within my body  as increasingly it controlled my emotions, feeling disgusted with what I had bought into.

Increasingly I pulled back from opinions I'd given room for seeing that they were really more biased toward female values and even implicit notions of superiority than the interests and needs of males having nothing to really make for co-operative gender relationships which each was respected rather than trampled over.

We saw as in time I'd looked at my own past actually I was never less than masculine, always one of the boys all I needed was some proper male tuition in carrying being  boy and later on manhood from males to counter the female input being cared for by them  and it had to be said their own agendas.

That's what he gave me : The best thing any real man could for another.

Wednesday 2 January 2019

New year with changing times

We're officially into the New Year now and one starts to tidy away presents if not like my proper grey three-quarter length socks actually wear them although today it's only 3 degrees C so I have my thick track pants on rather than shorts.
One thing I have been doing is reading old annuals  not least comic ones and these's a kind of storyline in them you don't see in today's versions.

No that's from November 22nd 1952 which I might is before I was born but it's a comic strip where wrong doing gets swift punishment - whacked with Biffo's skipping rope but this kind of ending was common place when I was (allegedly) growing up and actually in the 1975 Beano annual I did have this year there were a few like Rodger the Dodger getting a spanking.
That may seem incomprehensible to a modern child which may be a reason why it doesn't feature - it could alarm some - in the way that for us it was everyday life wherever adults ruled so it was seen as normal if unpleasant. 
lt is an indicator of how over time society changes.