Wednesday 24 June 2020

Loss and Boy Pride

If you hadn't noticed there's been a few minor changes on here in part a response to what I was talking about last week and connected to what is coming soon once I'm a hundred percent happy with it.
Watching Jamie Johnson on Thursday before Blue Peter brought a few issues to my mind forward from where they were last left.

The first is the most painful which is to say that when something has happened to you that affects what you can do like for him his football career for me losing the ability to do much with my hands and the accident that caused brain damage when I was fourteen, you grieve for the loss of those things and the impact on your future.

When you are like this you are not in the most balanced place mentally, you do have the incident playing in slow motion in your head as you deal with things like culpability - who really is to blame for this - and how other people react.

Some people for the best of reasons just seem to get too close and personal wanting to "feel your pain" and "fix everything" and it comes over very much as if they're living through you trying to get a merit badge, as if "I care about you" means you interfere and I should just let you.

That's the point he pretty much exploded and to be honest I'd tell you to "____ off " because you have really no idea how I feel and it isn't about how you do.

I'm very much from a more rugged masculine boyhood who'd run a hundred miles in the other direction if you came anywhere near to treating me as a object of sympathy, with lots of fuss and a gazillion "we thought you might be down and we'd to or take you to... "offers being pushed at you.

Like Jamie even if I had worked hard on something all year I could never accept a compensatory medal or award when I hadn't put in the work which is the standard for it.

All I would of wanted was the practical help to enable me to do that so when I got it it was because of my own efforts, because I'd of channelled my energy into standing on my own two feet again and working at it like anyone else.

Look, like him I'm okay with praise if you do something well, capable of handling told by your team you need to change if not. because you're a part of it and you expect to be treated the same way but I've got my Boy Pride and you darn well should respect it.

Although I made my peace with how I am and how that ties into this life that's very much the thing.

Wednesday 17 June 2020

Changes along the way

I was thinking about blogging about something else but events as ever have determined this one.

Anyone who knows this blog knows that a big part of development had a lot to do with Tumblr's ASB/LB community that I joined in April of 2018 following being at the ASB site The Traditional Schoolboy and in July the establishment of a second Tumblr, TSB 2 which ran for a period with a suspension in November 2018, a reinstatement in July and the termination of all my Tumblr accounts of course on April 9th.

I had seeing the issues looming following Tumblrs now legendary rule change of December 2018 established back ups on a Wordpress account I'd had for a while using the not perfect importer so I had thought upon the axing of the original Tumblrs those back ups would be safe.

Sadly that proved not to be as like Tumblr without warning and no email they decided at some point between Ten am UK Time and 5 am today to suspend my account  and while saying I could export media content (aka Pictures), that option seems greyed out and the whole content wasn't working either.

I have something else in the wings that while not sadly being the chronological history of my time at tumblr may make up for it I am working upon.

Being the Eternal Boy I'll be still bouncing around with a new toy.

Wednesday 10 June 2020

The past is the future going forward

This week is a good deal cooler than much of last week which you do notice when you're as out and about as I am.

There are a few topic I do wish to talk through this week one of which is the frequent outages at MisterPoll where there's a Shorts/LB poll where Robbie is currently talking though plans because that site has no messaging and one concern was maintaining contacts in addition while information exchanged may be stored and conversations continued. 

Another is that as I in time work on a "pet project" of mine, I am removing the last links to the malaise ready for such time I will be able to go out with others as just me ditching a small outdoor bag and a tote bag I use for shopping for something I truly feel more comfortable being seen with as an LB.
The last thing is the huge progress I have made in the last two and a bit years from arriving at Tumblr sorting all that out is paying off as I'm now accepted by my extended family and the wider community as LB with them being comfortable with me in uniform just like that in public being accepted. I have "Come out".

I've managed to pull down an adult perception of me that never worked while retaining my place within it with men saying "Good boy" as they treat me as a son publicly able to be a part of the community but as an adult boy in it.

That to me is so lovely.

Wednesday 3 June 2020

A new balance in the post Covid order?

The shape of the post Covid-19 World is one that a number of people are talking about as in England, United Kingdom we are easing the lockdown and some of the tensions between science and political concerns are beginning to show.

One revolves very much around Women in the workplace which has been increasing since the 1970's aided by a combination of protection of employment while pregnant, reductions in the age of state schooling, the adding of both pre and post school clubs and funded nurseries for four year olds.

This then was topped up with older grandparents providing emergency cover and school holidays.

All of this is strongly affected by the virus with grandparents being instructed not look after children under ten due to higher risk and the likelihood of children being significant asymptomatic carriers.

Government and opposition for matter want schools reopened at least in part to enable working parents usually mothers to return but with a social distance of 2 metres to be maintained between in child, the resultant class sizes are at least a half and UK classrooms are fairly cramped.

What this means is you need to double the space and teaching staff to teach in a way that is safe if you are to reopen five days a week per child, per class, per school.

This needless to say isn't possible so some are having rotas that at rising 5's thru 11 equate to two days a week per group per class with additional work being set for home usually using the internet although that itself brings issues with connections and hardwear availability for a significant number of children.

The pre and after school clubs are off excepting certain "key worker children".

It hasn't dawned upon people that actually a good proportion of women will be unable to return because what made it possible isn't likly to change until a year at the very least when the crisis is actually under control.

Thus the gender balance will tilt as in the main it is then easier for men to return or take up a work placement because they do need the additional measures deemed socially necessary and of necessity those left out will need to relearn how to support children and be more mothers by what they do rather than having them for free time and relying on others to take that up.

It may be that women create anew roles and functions that are not about careers but about contributions, helping run community groups even running as until under New Labour under fives play groups rather than semi academic  nurseries with curriculums  that often cost more than £150 per week per child and to which there is little evidence children that age need academic education rather than socialization and play, parents teaching children to read themselves.

Personally I feel the experiment with artificially equalizing has been shown to be unsustainable.