Wednesday 25 September 2019

What's wrong with tumblr

We have a day or so to go before Tumblr's ownership changes to Automattic, inc the owners of Wordpress so what do think about it?

I think the first thing I'd say was although I'm wary of sites from the point of view of permanency, staying around as a place to blog I'd not have to blog on here for most of content had it not been due to a combination of policies and biases. 

Tumblr has been around before but the amount of issues arising from trying to firstly make "adult content" an opt in which as much as I don't do adult content made sense while locking by default 18 and under accounts away from it made sense.

Then last year they reversed it following issues with both Google and especially Apple app stores as they won't allow anything adult no matter what but the use of AI systems to automatically detect inappropriate material backfired driving people off because appealing took ages and the error rate was very high.

The second area is somehow tumblr regards blogs about childhood looking at from a reflective past lives sense that contains images of children as being...child porn and periodically removes without warning and very poor appealing systems.
I had to wait seven months to get a blog of mine back after eventually they found no reason to have deactivated it.

They seem to presume a blog comprised mainly of pictures suitable for family photo albums of boys (and also publishable as a retro past lives book) is child exploitation material.

On the other hand they don't tackle blatant child sexualization by gay men of children under ten going on leave me to report it pray they might act cos gays are a minority and they support minorities all the way. 

To some extent my biggest bugbear and why this blogs has to be on here is because of Tumblrs liberal social justice warrior 'woke' bias that not only sends me material around topics I didn't want in my stream but also shuts down oppositions to such ideas that there ARE issues in how some moslems want to reshape western societies to suit there own beliefs that go against our own, the idea that gender and sex are related being driven by biology, that we have over 100 genders AND have to agree to it (they call it respect but just saying you disagree is enough for them to say it's "hate speech") and pointing the high level of dissatisfaction post op transsexuals have out.

They won't act on men's complaints around misandry but remove anything that questions the third wave feminist agenda and #metoo.

You try to blog around traditional male values for boys growing up and men that give them a sense of purpose based on what is innately in them, boys being physical in play, acting the warrior being a man and you find posts removed.

Thus I have to blog about my issues on here and from what I hear people on Wordpress have similar issues with them.

You have to agree and endorse this new gender free but 100+ gender, male hating climate change emergency crisis, black lives matter, anti brexit and tribute take of what is supposed to be a blog publisher who isn't neutral.

Wednesday 18 September 2019

Feed the affections

Contrary to popular assertion as males were are affectionate toward other living things feeling a strong sense of love and affection toward them such as many of us had toward our pet dogs or cats as young boys.We stroked and hugged them affectionately no matter what may of happened,even kissing them feeling their every living breathing emotion.
We'd go through rain and snow for them if they'd gone missing because we cared that much for them, we hand actually formed a bond that lasted
We formed bonds too with our closest friends hanging out with them by choice for ages, we helped each other out in both practical ways and also by just talking about what was on our minds.
We bear hugged each other.
We looked after younger boys than ourselves caring for them as older boys and men cared for us.
As boys and men, we do actually care.

Wednesday 11 September 2019

Gender cultural elimination

In modern day Britain the return of the School Term is being marked unparalleled stupidity at a high school in Lewes, East Sussex with a complete turnabout in the schools uniform in a way that is disturbing but sadly not unknown. 
This, the last time I looked was BOY, he's pretty happy about being one and has fight over the last four years for the right to wear tailored school shorts which an increasing number at high school now do as they did upto the early 1970's.
She is a GIRL, she likes being one and while some girls do wear trousers (or shorts) a sizable number do wear skirts or dresses mirroring what adult women wear and in most schools as in the work place that's your choice so long as it's presentable.

Now at this high school you are NOT a BOY or GIRL  nor will you be referred to as one  because you no longer have a gender but you will wear only trousers in the interests of gender neutrality and supporting trans rights.
Yes, supporting trans rights while saying you aren't a gender and denying gender expression though your attire. It's so messed up I don't even know where to begin taking it apart.

People who feel they are transsexual do have a gender identity that this school would deny while those the 99.3 who are not also aren't allowed to express their gender identity because the entire policy is routed in protecting the even small number who are unsure they even have a gender identity.

Newsflash. Some boys share a few traits with girls and some girls share traits with boys but that doesn't mean they are not BOYS and GIRLS because biologically that's how you're wired with girls having breasts, wombs and vaginas and boys testicles and penis.
There is no more gender identity confusion today than at any other point in time so much as an attempt to deny gender by sowing doubt something that enabled the human race to procreate in the first place by disregarding completely biology. 

Wednesday 4 September 2019

Dealing with situations

I will no long complain about my life because it is unbecoming of a man to be a bitch and it changes nothing. Instead I will work my balls off to change the situation for myself.

I will no longer entertain the notion there is no right and wrong and be prepared to stand up for what is right and fight what is wrong instead. I will stop being a little bitch and taking a effing stance.

I will no longer pout recognizing my life is harsh, can suck and isn't easy. Bad stuff happens to good people all the time but my pouting achieves nothing so i will choose to look on the bright side of life, appreciate wherever I am and take advantage of the opportunities I have.
I have a choice between a victim or a victor but the latter will never arise from the former.
I am not entitled to a single thing, someone else's money, a job nor happiness just the right to persue it. I have to earn it.

I will no longer entertain the idea that blaming others because when I do I relinquish any notion of power having control over my thoughts or my own future and hand them to others.
I shall take responsibility for my own actions accepting I own my situation and work toward improving things for myself.

I will not quit from those tasks and bars I am capable of, seeing it through working through pain and discomfort to achieve rather than expecting to be consoled and rewarded for being the very definition of a pussy.

Rather than insisting in having my views being beyond challenge, I will accept every man has the right to  challenge and confront them with the expectation I am able to defend them and allow me to trump other peoples.

While I will not look for a fight I will stand and fight my corner being prepared to meet out what is being given to me back to them, facing it down.

Rather than putting things off and being lazy, I will battle against such feelings to get done what I can for myself and others who depend on me as they in turned did for me.