Last week's entry was pretty fired up as at times the odd entry can be on here cos the only point of this blog really is more to ventilate away from Tumblr's woke friendly censorship which was why the only entry on that site for International Men's Day was mine and yet they marked the next day the International day of Remembrance for the Transgendered (I can remember when it was just for people who feel they're Transexual but that's another story).
That's the thing about the likes of Tumblr, it IS biased very much against us so as I say I can only get stuff off my chest here as male with a working pair without those posts and my account going into the ether.
This is being written as it rains hard here and with five days to go to the end of this month and just over five weeks to past crimbo and the end of year I'm still in shorts and long grey socks outdoors even if in the last few weeks temperatures have been down to five degrees and sometimes less with the wind.
That's right in all of that time I've been my little biological gendered self confident and assertive male self as this adult little boy growing in stature and to be honest I haven't felt better in all my life for just taking the real me and running with it.
Crimbo here has been sorted with some suitably adult little boy and 100% all boy stuff and I have my presents for people like my family taken care of and just got to write cards in dribs and drabs as my fingers hurt which isn't helped by holding things like pens.
I may write a bit a reviewish thing at the end of year, I don't know yet in what form but I know they'll be a crimbo entry and a review on the other blog.
Wednesday, 27 November 2019
Wednesday, 20 November 2019
For being with and for each other as males
Everywhere you go on social media, anime websites and wherever there is this attempt to push the pro female, pro ethic minorities are more pure more virtuous line and routinely write off and out any males especially white males.
This is so silly as people are people and no one group are any better than any other and when it comes to recasting roles often it's not what that audience regardless of it's demographics wants.
To tell you the truth I think we need to get back to first principals here which is no boy nor man needs a woman around him as all society needs is stable relationships for maintaining the human race and even if you are in a relationship with a woman, you need not spend all your time with her.
We all know we prefer the social company of males, it's what we did as boys challenging each other, playing games, establishing mateships and hierarchies that for some of last even now.
We never needed to play with a girl because other boys had what we needed and although we're infamous for not doing intimacy we did share things in our lives like what we learned from other men in our lives and some of our lessor moments.

The thing is there is no real reason we we can't revert to more of that, spending time with your mates, having a drink and chat about whatever is on our minds well away from women bloke to bloke trusting and valuing each other as males together. We don't need women to validate us.
Meanwhile as the Woke Woman runs wild turning the tables on what suited men and women remaking the world in her own image even removing women she feels threaten her views like Mum's who stay home to raise kids something needs to happen here.
Women who choose to have men in their lives need to be reminded of why they did - what we actual contribute with that relationship and allow us to occupy those spaces and butt out of upsurping men's role as the head of the family and focus on what they can offer instead within and for the whole family unit.
This is so silly as people are people and no one group are any better than any other and when it comes to recasting roles often it's not what that audience regardless of it's demographics wants.
To tell you the truth I think we need to get back to first principals here which is no boy nor man needs a woman around him as all society needs is stable relationships for maintaining the human race and even if you are in a relationship with a woman, you need not spend all your time with her.
We all know we prefer the social company of males, it's what we did as boys challenging each other, playing games, establishing mateships and hierarchies that for some of last even now.
We never needed to play with a girl because other boys had what we needed and although we're infamous for not doing intimacy we did share things in our lives like what we learned from other men in our lives and some of our lessor moments.
We spoke of our run-ins with adult male authority together with the licks we received and commiserated with one another without getting soppy over it. We bonded with one another.

The thing is there is no real reason we we can't revert to more of that, spending time with your mates, having a drink and chat about whatever is on our minds well away from women bloke to bloke trusting and valuing each other as males together. We don't need women to validate us.
Meanwhile as the Woke Woman runs wild turning the tables on what suited men and women remaking the world in her own image even removing women she feels threaten her views like Mum's who stay home to raise kids something needs to happen here.
Women who choose to have men in their lives need to be reminded of why they did - what we actual contribute with that relationship and allow us to occupy those spaces and butt out of upsurping men's role as the head of the family and focus on what they can offer instead within and for the whole family unit.
Wednesday, 13 November 2019
To me one of big changes of our time has been how bedrooms, literally a room with a bed in it you may of kept the odd thing in like books and toys has morphed a entertainment and games room to the point we sleep with phones on lest we miss a call or lie in our beds with our iPads, Chromebooks and laptops as if rest and sleep are now wrapped into permanently on lifestyle.
Being sent to your room worked as a threat in part cos you'd miss out everything the rest of the home or school was doing because you were removed
This boy one presumes a model, clearly loves gaming to the point he has the poster like I have a Guardians of the Galaxy comic poster in my bedroom but when in bed with his dog snuggled up to him is no doubt playing!
It's like you can't just enjoy being in bed snuggled up to your dog finding comfort in such close physical contact.
If it wasn't for my own self control I'd have to be honest and say I could soon end up losing rest and sleep even to online life which is why actual kids and adult little boys need rules around this so we do what we need to rather than losing that time with the mental and physical energy loss.
Being sent to your room worked as a threat in part cos you'd miss out everything the rest of the home or school was doing because you were removed
This boy one presumes a model, clearly loves gaming to the point he has the poster like I have a Guardians of the Galaxy comic poster in my bedroom but when in bed with his dog snuggled up to him is no doubt playing!
It's like you can't just enjoy being in bed snuggled up to your dog finding comfort in such close physical contact.
If it wasn't for my own self control I'd have to be honest and say I could soon end up losing rest and sleep even to online life which is why actual kids and adult little boys need rules around this so we do what we need to rather than losing that time with the mental and physical energy loss.
adult child,
adult little boy,
Friday, 8 November 2019
Ain't that the truth
As this blog appears to have gained a little traction given zero publicity on my part perhaps a few words concerning it would appear to be in order.
I think the first thing to say is this isn't a zone for anyone who has or thinks they have a vagina because we don't need you here so buzz off.
Men and boys need space to talk male to male and to do things together free from female interference and so to a greater extent than was possible on Tumblr it is strictly a Boys Only spot.
I'd liken it to the boys and men's changing areas where nothing is hidden and we have no holds bar man talk about what it means to be us. Male.
The blog has a strong Age Dysphoric feel because that is just how I am and how I live my life as a child within adult body and that is reflected in my interests.
For instance I watched Blue Peter as I do every week where they were selecting the books their panel will read and select the entries for next years Children's Book awards with three each in Fiction and Factual titles, a drawing guessing game where an illustrator draw characters from books and four children had to guess who they were.
Best of all a six year girl had written about her Granny who it transpired had flown airplanes during WW2 from the factories to the RAF as part of the Auxiliary Air Force so she got to see Imperial War Museums airplane exhibits including the Spitfire, an example of which we have here and Granny was visited and presented with a Gold badge.
I think the second thing to say was it was never really planned and programmed in the way that the other blogs and the family of Tumblrs were and are and generally acts as a place to make posts around topics that don't fit into the blogs and to whom posting about on Tumblr is highly likely to result in having your account terminated.
Some of that is because in 2019 I care to dare to call out much of the extreme liberal social and gender based bias toward the promotion of female values at the expense of males, the encouragement of effeminacy of males, the denial of binary biological sexual identity that IS integrated into real gender identity and two faced attitudes when it comes to sexual attraction and the sex act.
It also covers the amazingly bizarre world of gender identity politics where apparently you can have no gender and use that to push you have no physiological sex, toss in cross species gender in a list of over 100 genders most of whom are both not know to over 95% of the population and not recognized by medical science.
Criticizing that on social media or in liberal colleges and universities is likely to get you terminated or banned to protect this generations "Safe Spaces" agreements where you can't have people sharing platforms they don't agree with lest their be triggered.
Nearly all of that stuff is complete hogwash AND they're pushing at children under 10!
I don't apologize for being both male and hetrosexual but don't have an issue with anyone's sexuality so if you're reading this and you're gay or bi-sexual, fine.
Wednesday, 6 November 2019
Middle space
The other week I was mulling over some of things that did crop up at, not that sadly that site lasted long, and that generally I tended to talk more in and around the role of age regression within being an adult schoolboy as from my vantage point being one comes from being in the headspace of being a adult little boy, legally an adult emotionally and psychologically very much a child of your own childhood era.
One piece of the jigsaw puzzle is how psychologically you get to being in that frame of mind and what it is that is in there and one topic that often raised its head was spanking which usually is seen as both sexual or kink centric but for some goes back into their childhood emotions and so forms a part of being in a psychological state of being a "little boy" again
There have been times when personally I have struggled with spanking as an element of being that adult little boy not least in website and on social media it's tended to dominate all discussion to the exclusion of look at the how and why we feel still "little boys" even though the law says we're adults.
That text emboldened however did set out clearly a lot of the elements for and of what I get from being spanked in an adult little boy context starting from the very child-like, child-minded side of me needing discipline, direction and correction as I have little 'native' adult or even older child sense of self including self discipline.
The whole context of being subject to spanking, being 'made' to take it at the will of a 'adult authority figure' and the emotional outcome from given a good spanking restores a strong sense of being that little boy, of being young.
Spanking given some of my issues around relating to people, understanding appropriate boundaries forms stronger bonds with me especially between myself and adult males. I am wired very much toward physicality helps with bonding.
While it is entirely understandable a adult little boy who was abused in actual childhood would not and may even be could never accept the role of spanking within such relationships or through other outlets such as age play schools and the like, for me it's a core part, the mirror image of how it was to me as a boy.
One piece of the jigsaw puzzle is how psychologically you get to being in that frame of mind and what it is that is in there and one topic that often raised its head was spanking which usually is seen as both sexual or kink centric but for some goes back into their childhood emotions and so forms a part of being in a psychological state of being a "little boy" again
The Benefits of Getting Spanked by Rodney Calmes
Many people believe that if someone likes to get spanked, it is all sexual. That is not the case all the time. Even though getting spanked has some sexual effects or enhances sexual arousal, there are many non-sexual benefits from getting spanked. What can spankings do for you?
1. Getting spanked relieves stress.
2. Getting spanked is calming.
3. Getting spanked generates endorphins and puts you in a euphoric state.
4. Getting spanked generates adrenaline and gives an adrenaline rush, especially if you are anticipating getting a very harsh one.
5. Getting spanked lifts moods. Russian psychiatrists have found success in treating depression with bare butt whippings.
6. The marks left from getting spanked is like an art of its own.
7. For some, it can restore feelings of youth.
Don’t be ashamed of getting spanked, enjoy it! For those who never tried it in your adult years, give it a try. You never know, you may like it.
That text emboldened however did set out clearly a lot of the elements for and of what I get from being spanked in an adult little boy context starting from the very child-like, child-minded side of me needing discipline, direction and correction as I have little 'native' adult or even older child sense of self including self discipline.
The whole context of being subject to spanking, being 'made' to take it at the will of a 'adult authority figure' and the emotional outcome from given a good spanking restores a strong sense of being that little boy, of being young.
Spanking given some of my issues around relating to people, understanding appropriate boundaries forms stronger bonds with me especially between myself and adult males. I am wired very much toward physicality helps with bonding.
While it is entirely understandable a adult little boy who was abused in actual childhood would not and may even be could never accept the role of spanking within such relationships or through other outlets such as age play schools and the like, for me it's a core part, the mirror image of how it was to me as a boy.
I have decided to allow people to spank me without question from now on.
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