Wednesday 30 January 2019

Age Regression Therapy Treatment

After the ten months since I found and established an account on Tumblr one outstanding issue over a blog on the account run by another has been resolved with that being handed back to me as they've made their own.

This has meant I've taken more consideration over just where everything around this life has been and is likely to headed for the foreseeable feature.

I am being placed under Age Regression Therapy which means nearly everything is being taken back to a childhood state where virtually all adult aspects of life are going from my life from now on.

I will from now on be treated like a child by my parents in a strict but loving fashion and where I will be treated by all other adults as a child.

This has been agreed because I am a little boy who has not become an adult despite my chronological age and so continue to need the same handling while being afford the opportunity to learn to be more responsible as that little boy by being given a second chance.

As part of this treatment, I am to wear full time schoolboy attire which is appropriate for a boy under fourteen years of age including being kept in shorts indoors and out, wearing boys long socks and subject to inspection.

I am also to accept whatever reasonable chastisement may be necessary as little boy be it verbal or otherwise from the responsible adults who are going to care for me as if I'm a (chronological) child.

Birdsong at 4 is a nice thing as I'm still battling with trying to keep obsessive computer use under control as I have these totally obsessive urges to pursue a  line of thought to its conclusion or continue with something to its very end no matter how much time it is taking up or indeed into what the time really is. Thanks why I need a spanking at times.

It's probably connected to how autism works in me, like I can be so undermotivated at times to do something and at others when I'm not it's 180 degrees the opposite so yes it's nice not to be up before five not hearing the  an on the computer but the birds in the wood.

This is to aid me help me learn (and relearn) the skills I do need while in a social setting that ensures I am treated as developmentally I am so I am as independent as I can be while accepting I will never be an adult functionally.

1 comment:

  1. Those really short trousers really suit you and are idea attire for schoolboys. It looks like you ar about to get a sore bottom from the slipper
