Wednesday, 23 May 2018

The ASB Edition

I decided to join a site specifically for Adult Schoolboys called Adult School Boys this month because I think just being with other adult schoolboys will actually help me reclaim chunks some people tried to deny in me just because I wasn't 100% straight as a die male and wanted to claim me for their own side.
Fact is you don't have dig deep under the surface in me to find my masculine side even if would benefit from a little tuition and learning to assert it self more because it is dominate in me

One thing about this regressed adult schoolboy thing is it picks up from how things were and an important standard is all the 'boys' wear white junior briefs with a Y front fly which I haven't worn in years.
I just decided to conform to my gender norms, buy and put myself back in what boys ARE supposed to wear without question, starting as I need to go on relearning and recovering what I need from now on. There is the fact my regression past has always been from a schoolboy setting even when I first started going back in time in my mid teens, I didn't jump gender, I just acted on my gender norms and feelings but from a boyish angle being every inch a schoolboy of ten in his short trousers.
I'd never even consider changing my sex to line up with anything else as whatever issues some in society may have with my gender expression, I love being a boy and love people who know and call me what I am: A Boy.
Joining ASB just makes a lot of sense of you're a adult school boy which I am.

1 comment:

  1. I would love to be a 10 year old boy again. I see myself in short grey trousers with the White lining. Having to do as I am told. I am naughty sometimes and need to be pushed.
