Wednesday 10 July 2019

Coming out with being a boy

This week I've been out into town as I had left over from my Birthday a W H Smiths book voucher from a relative who was of that generation which not just bought things from an actual store but also used specialist stores rather than catch all supermarket chains that might say sell a limited range of books and other odds and ends like bags and so on.
The thing about book and most other sorts of vouchers is they can't be redeemed even though their own online stores and when one massive bookstore I loved going into from childhood shut down over a year ago you can't be sure they have in the book you may want whereas just entering it in any online store or site such as Amazon gives you an instant result.
I just headed to the children's section, not that today they label it as such  - you just see the signs, 5-8 9+ and the "Teens" - and gravitate toward the racks and pick up what you need which was two books, one about a ten year old boy evacuee who forms a forms a friendship with a man who takes him in and a book on the story of Harry Kane of Arsenal from boyhood to ace goalscorer. The one thing both have in common is they are about boyhood dreams and hopes.
It was also a week where I made further progress with that site account contributing to a discussion on male underwear in a sub forum where they talk about things that aren't about music and what you use to listen to it.
It wasn't as much how much I had to say about it so much as I affirmed my gender by openly referring to my most intimate attire in front of everyone including female members in a simple matter of fact way.
Metaphorically I took my pants down and let my gender out.
Tearing down some of that malaise from the past, learning to be openly proud of my boyishness and my manhood, to associate with and let others associate you with being male is the progress I am making.

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