One what tends to be the blog that looks more into feelings and that this is the week where that space I mentioned last week has paused, its course run and its direction being very much now directed to here.
The week saw more me being outside learning to watch and listen more to nature as I saw two grey squirrels playing on the edge of a wood as they scavenged for acorns to bury without a care in the world.
It also was a week as we are in The Fall where temperatures did drop and indeed on Sunday it was 11 degrees C (52 degrees F) but I was outside 'playing' with just a sweater over my top and wearing long socks with my shorts.
While out I soon became warm as I run, jumped and walked around and indeed I was as warm as toast by the time I came in but the most interesting thing was I noticed walking around a familiar feeling of tingling around the inside leg from just below the shorts to my Y fronts which when I looked closer there were goose pimples.
That was something that took me straight back to this time of year when official a boy as I often felt them on say cold mornings walking by farms to school in my shorts with maybe a duffle coat if we were lucky.
While it would not make sense to go out quite like that when it's extremely cold, one thing I did learn was I don't need longs on nearly as much because I can and am becoming more hardy and actually that should be encouraged in me.

Another thing about this week was it has been just over two months since I established a Alb/Asb forum for boys like me as one place we had used did have periods of being down and in fact shortly after registering mine and getting the basic functionality going, it shut down without warning.
Anyone who has read "The other blog" tm knows the issues I have had over the years around identity and feeling comfortable in my own skin and while sites can be good for seeing other people and interacting a little, what you don't get is conversation.
What I needed was was more a boys only space to introduce myself and let my boyishness out in a way that felt safe to me and where I'd bond with them.
Less of a reblogging of images place but more a place to talk, explore and share about what this adult little boy/adult schoolboy thing is and means.
So far we've got 21 members, are fairly active and many of the posts have been high quality written well with depth of feeling.
Given the challenge it was for me to set this place up after finding a suitable host I feel both elated and gratified we've made a great place to be under the stars as adult boys.