Wednesday, 15 January 2025

Coping with "No signal"

Another week and I might add one that one would sooner be gone with given the issues with the internet I will publish on what was intended for a blog on Monday at some point so in the wait I've I have been reading apart from the severe minus seven degrees with a goodly amount of snow.

Having both my Dandy annual in its modern format and the "Classic" Beano and Dandy themed collection proved handy as I could read stories at leisure plus obviously last weeks Beano and Pheonix.

I did get around to listening to some record that had arrived although I hadn't any indication of when they were coming as at least physical media isn't affected by internet outage.

I'm sort of back up running but only with what is best described as a route with a 4g mobile internet signal that proved a pig to set up the blue led you needed to see if it was working itself wasn't and this on EE loan stock sent out as the installation on Friday just did not work because necessary work wasn't done to switch the full fibre signal over.

It is to hopped by the weekend the actual internet and landline phone connection will be restored OR ELSE! 


Wednesday, 8 January 2025

Skating away

Just a note before we begin, they may be a break in the other blogs as the phone line and internet is being changed over at the weekend as I'm not super human being capable of writing tons of blogs to cover the gaps and scheduling them.

School has now resumed after the Chrismas and New Year break although it was extended by a day on Monday as we had quite a bit of snow and so school buses and that were not working although my local combined infants and juniors, yes the one I went to myself, was actually open.

Then, the caretaker for that lives just around the corner and most of the staff are fairly nearby while sometimes high school staff may live ten miles or more than the schools location.

I did get out in the snow not least with bin duties and the like so I was well wrapped up and shod to tackle the snow and ice which helps given I'm not good on my feet generally never mind with this.

Classic grey turn over socks are a thing with me not least with maroon or blue stripes  so maybe I might look at finding a few more from various suppliers.

Wednesday, 1 January 2025

A year in review

 It is the New Year today so we'll take a look around the year and the blog as it is in some ways the odd one of the bunch.

We started a long time ago very much from scratch so there was no history brought over from previous social media that had limited blogging options or bits of short term blogs that just went rather like the Wordpress but Tumblr connected ones did in 2020.

It became in some ways what it was I wanted and to limited degree succeeded at on Tumblr before they were removed in the great purges rather more an an exercise in sorting out what my sense of boyhood was, how that still runs through modern life and the part some measure from the past play a part in my life.

So it tends to be more experience and emotionally lead rather than around appearences, presentation and personal interests, the glue that holds the other parts together that are explored much more on other blogs.

2024 started from the events of 2023, not least the loss of Mum, the slow resumption of everyday life sorting out messy family relationships and getting away as that eternal boy.

We did work around getting presentational styles more aligned with the out of school and holiday habits blending in better where you were likely to encounter bio-boys and adults as much at other times I was and remain very much old school.

The forum continued to run bring in fresh people as Misterpoll, where many of us originated from the School Shorts poll threads came to an effective end as upgrades in their software appeared to broken the original Misterpoll threads although interest there had more or less finished with less than a handful of regular posters when they could even be bothered to post.

We outlasted it, being able to talk about things more "adult" sites could not permit that were more centred around just being that boy and past lives.

The one thing we need to concentrate more on handling disagreements and where people may see things that are not intended as that can impact the preparedness of others to contribute.

Wednesday, 25 December 2024

That state of Christmas you don't need

 Actually while I was so looking forward to Christmas I was feeling very much out of it due to a severe case of forum drama that erupted late into Monday before Christmas eve which may pass or require strict action to prevent it happening again as it felt like a gaggle of schoolboys in the playground were around a disturbance joining in.

Indeed it took me right back to incidents I recall in juniors where some woild get involved to fight their corner with threats while others on the sidelines would be shouting "fight, fight, fight"but with no head teacher to dish out the slipper to those responsible.

Sometimes, the best thing is to walk away for a bit and reflect more on what you can do to resolve your disagreements like say you're sorry, try to learn from the experience and just stop trying to have the final word on the matter which only makes things worse for everyone because it acts like oxygen to a fire, keeping it smoldering.

All I know is it isn't going to happen again and those involved should be ashamed of themselves.

Wednesday, 18 December 2024

Christmas edition

 The pause begins here, as type this I've had my first Christmas period visit of the season with all that involves like, quick tidying up spells, plushing up the cushions and getting the tea set up ready to go.

Outside of this I won't be around much at the weekend as I'll be seeing friends before we move into Christmas week.

With that I'll wish you all a Very Happy Christmas and all the best for the New Year.

Wednesday, 11 December 2024

Resets and cussing

Slowly making our way to the big day with Mr. Claus doing his rounds locally on Sunday and the first wave of Christmas Cards and we are getting used to this new laptop although there's still a bit setting up and restoring programs to be done.
The dorm was very much where I did most of learning about handling situations, dealing with other boys learning "the rules" and by a term or two we'd pretty much got things sorted, who was getting a  wash first, that the last one to bed turned the lights out and not waking others up if you needed the toilet overnight.

We also sorted when someone needed a "Talking to" and when we'd involve the adults although we never left any boy harmed or took pleasure from violence, indeed that did and still does worry me about the darkness of the emotions of ANY boy who holds with that.

It just isn't remotely healthy.

The topic of photographs is a recurring one on the forum where the whole environment around photo usage has changed so much from those days where by birth age we were younger as indeed has the medium from film to digitized images that are posted and exchanged as files.

Changing attitudes to certain topics such as the portrayal of other cultures, the more entrenched notion of consent to images being taken and posted and corporal punishment  being hinted at cause issues as much as my liberal attitude is one of respecting the law as it applies to minors and being mindful of how things appear on public sites.

Thus while as far as I'm concerned c.p. between consenting legal adults is fine and is no source of shame, nonetheless you cannot put imagery on a general interest site that allows lots of groups that may include groups for children to belong even it might be just a hint of an impliment in the hands of either the one administering or the one being punished.

So if you do, then we need to remove it but a more suitable picture for your topic would be fine so long as all involved consent to its use.

Wednesday, 4 December 2024



A bit of a way from the usual look with a more casual grey short trousers look although they're typically longer than some of us are used to with trainers which I do wear fair bit out of doors when exploring, reserving dress shoes for more formal occassions.

I'm a more t shirt and sports shorts sort when it comes to purely casual playing sort of boy which is probably tied into my childhood and the battle for shorts back then. 

It's Advent and the calendar is up suitably child-like as Crimbo is just that experience for me free from anything really grown up and that's so much better than trying to fake adulthood.
Might as well watch some classic cartoons while I'm at it.