Wednesday, 5 March 2025

Current Affairs

I dislike having to say anything regarding regarding current ffairs but given where we are right now, unable to rely on the United States tolook after Europe's interests,and  concerns I'm just going to have to as much as I keep stuff like that Off Forum.

Some might say to raise the question of security guarantees at a press conference about a Mineral Rights might be inpolitic but the suggestion that merely having a number unspecified of Americans working there patently does not guarantee a breach of ceasefire as even if a mine was not bombed, transportation from it might well be which would be driven by Ukrainians. What then?

So it's not unreasonably to ask about and for a short response "We'll talk that through later" reply to be given and move on but it is exceedingly likely a metaphorical grenade was planned to be tossed in show the Ukrainian president in a poor light starting from the frankly bizarre assertion that to wear what is his usual attire in the Oval Office is disrespectful.

Anyone who follows the news knows what he is likely to be wearing at meetings at which point blatant often pro Russian lies are being tossed into a massive rant by the President and Vice President the latter at one point seemed to me running the show than President Trump, just watching on enjoying the spectacle unfold.

And for challenging that, the Ukraine President is ordered out, no deal being signed.

Trump and co may feel they made him look humiliated but frankly you made your country look like it is run by school bullies where diplomacy and due process are no longer a given for incoming Prime Ministers and Presidents and has exposed the petulant infantile nature of your leader

Yesterday morning he announced he'd cut off all aid to Ukraine doubling down on his assertions that Friday. How the hell does that get you peace???? And leaving Ukraine unprotected for President Putin to blow to smitherines and take over.

Some "Peace" that is!

Your country is in state of disgrace and I do question if you even should remain a NATO member given your behaviour to allies (and I might add I'm no lefty).

Wednesday, 26 February 2025

Play and rec things

One element from last week was play and presents which differs than the sort of thing many of us had back in the day.

Colouring books did exist but in isolation rather than being part of an activity centre with a storage bag for different things and the things you might use such as your pencils or paints in small trays.
Crafts have come on to more colourful things more reminscent of older mole roles and activities such as ceremonial swords that would of belonged to warriors.

Given some reluctanence on the part of boys to get into arts and crafts, a wider range of options is to be welcomed.

We always loved dinosaurs so combining them into a foil art kit so you can make lots of colourful ones to rawr with is just great appealing in a way say flowery designs might not.

I just love them.

Wednesday, 19 February 2025


I've always had a love hate relationship with denim not least from attempts to put me in jeans which I found a bit clammy in the late Spring and Summer where I usually prefer something that rather breathes more.

Thus I always battled for shorts, originally sports shorts from 1979/80 in the summer or for play although these days you'll seldom see me in anything other than traditional lined short trousers.

But that's forgetting there was a point between the ages of of around eight and eleven where Mum did buy me the odd demin pair which are better in that way so would something like this with even pockets be good as 'playwear' for me?

Wednesday, 12 February 2025

An imaginary world


The first thing to say this week is with my being away, there won't be a blog next week, too much to do I'm afraid so the next scheduled one will be 26th although if I can produce something later on for the 19th it'll be inserted.

Winnie the Pooh was a bit of a thing with me when I was younger owning pencil end tops, pencil cases and stickers galore and I recall a guy in college who was very much into it although he kept it away from all but our group in case anyone took umbridge which was a shame really.

The World of Pooh and Christopher Robin always seemed more philosphical than just a world of cute characters, having much to say about living life, caring for one another and the nature of relationships which I feel is valuable.

It isn't as "soft" as say The Care Bears, not that there is anything wrong with caring at all, more grounded in things boys understand more.

Wednesday, 5 February 2025

He's back!


There are a few things going on this week, such as preparing to be away for a few days so I'm sorting clothes, wash bag and that all ready to go in the case and making sure my mobile phone is fully charged as I have to met with someone for part of the journey and well all know how that can end up.

After a sluggish start to the new year, forum is back to its usual level of activity which in view of what I said last week was no bad thing.

The greatest news ever however was the arrival of Harry or perhaps more the reaquientance with from the haylcon days of 2017/8 who run atumblr I just adored as really it was the kind of tumblr that had social media had been a thing in 1978-83 I might of had myself.

Harry was an actual schoolboy who was so much like I was back then, very much a traditional boy who loved traditional uniform, scouting and preferred short trousers and in so many ways was my real life muse and inspiration to just come out there and BE the me I felt and always remained.

He sometimes got the wrong sort of attention so I ensured he knew if he needed me to deal with it such as reporting and that I would do that for him cos that kind of attention by adults is totally wrong and for reasons best known to them (and maybe the odd person on Tumblr) he often had his Tumblr account blocked.

That needless to say is what happened to many of us during the great end of 2018 purge and happened this decade when one group of people seemed to think I was another acting as some kind of link to dubious sorts.

The liklihood of that was remote given some of the stuff that happened to me and the nature of the work I did, indeed I reported a few hands worth of those sorts to Tumblr.

But he is back, with an update to his life and is at University which is excellent news.

Wednesday, 29 January 2025

Misterpoll is no more


This is a bit late coming out today not least cos I've been somewhat busy with other things today but what I rather expected would happen at one site, has.

Misterpoll was where most of us got together around the same time Tumblr was a good place for those of us who were ALB/ASB to get to know each other talking about our lives from schoolboys of old, to feeling more a kind of a schoolboy today showing pictures about the places we remembered.

We wrote about our school lives, the things we did, the lessons we took and a lot about how we were dressed back then in our school uniforms and how those compared with those of today.

We wrote about how we liked to dress more like, whither or not it was for going hiking, attending various vintage events "in role", any kind of school like setting we had anything with.

Unlike at the forum, we didn't talk much about our interests such as railways, train spotting and going on steam driven trips and the like cos Robbie had his vision for his poll - it was about vintage uniforms.

Some of our  posts tended to go a bit "off topic" which he didn't it's fair to say appreciate and he wasn't onboard with some of our more regression/reenactment talk but it was his forum attached to his poll so we respected that.

That poll and the forum posts going back to around 2010 have just gone, the owners of Misterpoll having decided not to spend effort keeping legacy forums and polls unlike Tumblr that axed many of our Tumblr blogs.

It is sad many interesting and indeed heartfelt posts over the years have gone but many of us moved and made our new home, not wishing to blow my own trumpet I made it for us, and tell many of those stories in rather more detail with more interaction and even pictures!

Farewell Misterpoll, you brought us together.

Wednesday, 22 January 2025


Well we have Internet through Fibre although although the Voice over Internet Protocol landline doesn't seem to work which suggests a few wire jumpers need moving in the exchange.

Now you might think that means everythings hunky dory here but I got up on Saturday feeling fine having a wash, getting dressed about to come down the stairs as my right side from just above the hip to above the knee went weak just as I was about to come down the the stairs!

I've had this before to which the only real relief is rest so I'm limping downstairs and pulling myself upstairs to the toilet and bedroom on my bum as I used to from the days I got about in a wheelchair more.

Unfortunately folks don't make it easy for you to use one like narrow doors, aisles in shops, limited spaces (often used by others) in buses and trains and the like.