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Wednesday, 30 September 2020
Mirror images
Wednesday, 23 September 2020
Talking about being LB/ASB online
This week I will devote a bit time about talking about some of the restrictions on content that apply to ASB.net and how they contrast to my own forum The Uniformed Regressors Spot and in saying that from the outset I will say I respect and follow ASB.nets right to its own rules and follow them.
The first thing to say is on ASB you are informed you are not to reference anything that happened to you under the age of 21 that was real and even if just referring to as a historical fact.
Let's start with that age-21. In the UK whatever our opinions might be you are regarded in law as an adult at 18 and won't finish university until around 20 to 21 years of age so not only can you not refer to your own boyhood that clearly has a lot to do with being ASB, your university life can't even though you were an adult at the time.
This clearly is bought in from the Adult Content end which is fundamentally the difference between it and mine being strongly regressive or re-enactively but effectively stops discussion of why you are ASB/LB and the return to how you were as a boy.
It limits discussion down to uniforms although another restriction is that although you can post pictures of actual whole school uniforms being worn, you cannot state which school it is.
Let me put it another way: a uniform is distinctive and may even feature a logo so anyone who knows their uniforms would know and it it is possible you may of attended it, so what is it that's being gained here especially as the site content isn't visible unless you are logged in?
Personally I take the view the uniform having been obtained, what you do by way of posting photos of you in it is very much up to you, no law has been broken so unless you do something stupid like pose outside of that establishment while in session that's it.
The only other things you can talk about is hobbies but again subject to that whole no reference to anything you did under the age of 21 so I can't say I owned a locomotive or explored something at the age of 9 or Corporal Punishment although again my being spanked at the age of 9 can't be mentioned in any detail at all so we get "how do I look in this uniform" and My latest caning with pictures.
I've no issue with people who want to do that but I prefer to talk about ASB life and for a good number of us it is about boyhood pasts, does include regression/re-enactment and that's what you can't do there.
My place doesn't accept accounts and pictures of corporal punishment because that's one thing the host would see as Adult Content although a brief mention of having or having had it is accepted apart from finding once you get a lot of talk around that - and it's starting to creep in all ready - you start to lose the other part.
We do accept talking about your boyhood because it is what made you who you are and is integral to being LB/ASB revisiting either as pure regression or re-enactment and for some of us those years have had an effect on our lives.
It can be therapeutic.
We also do allow hobbies and interests to be discussed so long as they are 'safe for work' and many do link to our boyhood pasts.
It's not in anyway competition for ASB but is a complementary place where those thing ASB doesn't permit may be discussed
Wednesday, 16 September 2020
Restoration of a Tumblr
One thing I have done recently is reestablish the OlderBoyGreyShorts tumblr not as it was as some of that might cause issues with their wokish very broad definitions on "hate speech" and the like whereas on here I have a freer hand to express personal convictions.
I did partially rewrite the old Do Not Interact (if) so it didn't come over as 'hateful' put just saying what sorts of interactions I don't accept so stupid stuff like sissification and kink are plainly not wanted.
TSB 2 could of been revived but the concept just is no longer relevant with the original dead and buried tied in with issues around Tumblr functionality, OlderBoyGreyShorts was a real thing which elements on here touched on which was it was an attempt get past the first four months posts on TSB where I was all over the place.
It started with the premise that was the exploration of my past in that period had taught me I was really very much all boy and that in most respects I was stereotypical masculine and the odd difference didn't alter a thing and so was very much a masculine adult boy blog and that I personally reject anything 'girly'.
TSB in its current form has taken a boys travelogue with regression form simply because of the issues around very frequent blogging of images of boyhood such as boys at play or school mean that accounts soon get removed so it has to be kept limited unlike my blogs here.
There is a Pure Age Regression blog but many communities tend to expect you to blog in support of every part of the LGBTQ community and some parts of the current trans debate are things I can't support some of which are informed by personal experiences so I can't push 'hard' for traditional masculine boys regression on it.
The advantage around OlderBoyGreyShorts is while like all the Tumblrs one has to watch the amount of boyhood images you post, I can direct that at that whole notion of being a masculine adult boy tying into past boyhood play and very much "real boy" boys regression that is strongly of the traditional level.
We start on the basis sex is NOT a social construct and that while people have the right to be themselves that gender identity is a real thing linked to your sex and that boys love being and expressing there masculine selves.
The best thing for a boy is to be one, functioning fully in society as one and adult boys regression is about being that boy learning to accept and develop that identity sharing in the culture doing what you did back then.
Thus it ignores the push on questioning identity and degendering spaces and embraces differences as a positive and complementary in maintaining the natural division of both sexes while supporting the right of individuals to be themselves within that.
The majority of people are very happy to be their own sex and to own their own gender with the roles that go with it.
Families may have changed but the traditional structure still is the ideal for raising boys and girls and that boys are happy emulating their fathers, brothers and uncles.
Wednesday, 9 September 2020
Recalling the summer outdoor play 2020
That for most of us meant moving up a form or year group in September if not transfer to another school such as a high school so you could say that ritual was a pretty important one in our lives.
That was our time to explore our surroundings with mates, discover new places and things and play for hours or at least until our Mum's called us in for tea.
It was also the time that they, because in our era the best we got was a say, put us in t shirts and games shorts in part cos it was easier for them to wash and also because they recognized we needed to get as much sunlight on our bodies regulated by applications of suncream on our bodies to be healthy.
This for me it was different because I spent my time taken back in time to that routine and what is more I had shorts that were much shorter than any I had worn since then on just like I did then being new old stock 80's shorts.
I felt very different because while I always wore shorts they had tended to be the baggy Bermuda sort when not tailored school type ones.
I felt a lot healthier for being out in them getting my thigh's downwards well tanned rather than looking very white and having those adventures again made me feel very much that boy all over again.
I really don't need longs or long shorts to be me.
Wednesday, 2 September 2020
A reminder not to be forgotten
“Look at this carefully, Christopher. From now on, this applies to you. Your mother has hired me as your tutor for this very reason, and I intend to ensure that she is not disappointed. You may think that you are too big for a sore backside when you misbehave or do not perform academically, but be assured that you most certainly are not. From now on, when necessary, you will be subject to the cane. Now pop into the bathroom and put on your school uniform. Your first lesson begins in fifteen minutes, and you WILL begin applying yourself."
Original from ThwacktonHouse (R.I.P)
There are times when I could imagine this applying in my current life and with the return of school this week after the summer hols those distant days came back into my minds notice.