Wednesday 6 June 2018

Play and pets

I actually write a blog when I have a spare moment about me and my life as an adult little boy that's been going on since August of last year cos it helps me gather my thoughts all together and write accounts of things in my past while I still can remember them so it is like a very personal blog.
Unlike with adult little girls there's not really any spaces out their for us to just talk away about our lives, horse around with each other like we did as kids and talk about the kind of clothes we like to wear in our regressed lives and we're certainly not sissies although I not mean them any harms.
That's why you need some kind of outlet but a lot of people who offer free websites put this as 'adult content' and just blanket prohibit it tossing it in with 'top shelf' magazines and the like.
My relationship with dogs is a difficult one because when I was very young our dog went a bit off and trapped mommy in the kitchen gnashing its teeth and several dogs tried to attack me when I was just in juniors like somehow they just seemed to follow me from nowhere so I find dogs a bit scary.
It's not that I know some dogs and many owners are nice, it's like when I see them especially barking and jumping it all brings it flooding back to me like a movie being reshown.
I love birds having visited many aviaries when I was younger with all the birds flying around me the members of the parrot family in particular having my picture taken with them at the time and for a period had a cockatiel that lived in big cage suspended on a hook in the front room where he'd squawk , flutter his wings and repeat various words and phrases although he nearly landed on the tv repair man as having checked with him if he could work around the bird almost knocked the cage down. He also was responsible for damaging a video recorder as his seeds prevented the tape auto stop from working when recording so keep on doing it until the tape and machine broked!!!

Cat's though were and are my first love from our first Siamese cat onward though.

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