There is apparently due to be a distinct probablity of snow later on this week following weather systems coming from continental Europe and as it was across this weekend gone it was colder and Monday we had rainfall.
You might wonder just what that got to do with boyhood life but for me Winters left evocative memories of rain falling on your legs, having to dry yourself and being wrapped up in your gloves, hat and dufflecoat.
Time was back then it would be the same attire you faced the snow in, walking with your wellies on to the corner store on errands or at least getting your sweets and comics and then there was playing in the snow with sledged or snowballs.
Somehow you remain that boy with your more or less 70's length short trousers on prehardened still doing more or less the same today as I walked in the shop yesterday looking and feeling like a kid that came in from the rain, damp.