Wednesday 26 January 2022

Communication breakdown

It's been a confusing day around communications  today for a variety of reasons.

One to me shows the difficulty in communicating with a person who doesn't seem to have the ability to infer from reading what a communication is about, to take a note at the top of it that explains it gives you the impression they've just skimmed over it.

A response to say they don't know where it has come from is the literal sense impossible because it's obvious from your account it is from you and if by which you really meant you are not sure why you have sent it you might as well just say that as it is clearer even if the purpose is stated in the first paragraph. 

A better thing to had said is "Is there something I'm meant to do with it" or explain what it is that is confusing.

I have spent the best of of an hour trying to explain that in twenty twenty in England you cannot necessary get a doctors appointment on the day straight off the bat because you are highly likely given demand to have some questions from a Triage Nurse because it may be your bigger need is something that can be arranged such as a prescription item.

It sadly isn't going in.

Then there is a person who seems to think you can ask a series of questions related to ASB presentation as single individual questions expecting an more instantaneous conversation to this in real time.

Well apart from time and well-being constraints  as admin, it would of been better to have asked for some ideas in a thread to which people of explained.

There may be reasons why this person seems communicate in this style but trying to deal with it isn't easy.

Just seems to be one of those days.

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