Wednesday 1 July 2020

A leopard can change its spots

It is easy to get into a mindset of thinking about those things in  your life that may not be going so well or even into comparing how you are doing compared to others but that's a habit which so easily leads to you beating yourself up.

Like for instance we may only know of what another person really is doing from what it is they've shared with us which may well be selective, missing out any mess ups and only as they feel it is so really those comparisons may not be too accurate.

The other side of this is we may be understating our own abilities, using a very high baseline to judge them by or be so used to perceiving our failure that we automatically feel we have when maybe we've done okay really.

Looking over this week working out where the strategy for my Scouting based blog was going to be going into the new month brought some of that back not having on the outset the format and publishing structure would be. 

Let's say the absence of that usually gets me into tail spinning territory  as I stare into the blank page on my non Microsoft office suite so I type a few headings  and ideas down as I struggle with writing on paper these days.

Really, Chris  that boarding school boy, severely dyslexic actually manages to pull it off when he was feeling like walking the corridors thinking he'd failed!

I think the point here is I grew up so much with the idea I was no good at this that I came to believe it didn't matter  what I did or anyone said they could help me, that I couldn't change that outcome.

I changed the outcome cos I actually believed in it enough to do the work using techniques that I had learned and was prepared to spend my time on learning  and learning to trust people who were prepared to help me make those changes.

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