Wednesday 1 April 2020

Mid teen regresive history

While out taking some exercise around the area I grew up in some thoughts around the past came very much into focus.

One indication of just how far the gap between myself and my peers had gotten by my mid to late teens was we were discussing one morning before registration a number of things such as what schools, not least our early schools were and what today we felt like doing  together where near enough all my friends were thinking more about parties and or maybe going to the movies and all I wanted to do was have a teddy bears picnic with them.

They thought that was a bit sweet but you know a bit odd too given they were all acting more like mini young men and well, I was still a Junior they looked after and they had more that older sibling authority over me although we were the same age seeing them as parental substitutes.

That's the strange reality with me and why 'ageplay' as term doesn't really describe what I do because it's just who I am 24/7 rather than a role I play for a brief period. A Junior.
That was something I forgot in my attempt after leaving school to get bye and what backfired a few years back so badly.

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