Wednesday 18 March 2020

Getting with the program

After a busy, somewhat mithering week where the Corona virus is the major topic as a person who is more potentially vulnerable being in a more 'at risk' group which is impacting on some of the things I follow such as footie with matches being played either without crowds to reduce cross -infection or even postponed and personally I need to be a bit careful about the areas I go out in, returning to one of the main narratives of this blog also seems appropriate.
A good start point in all this is to say what would be the response for adult in law but in other respects boy be to such troubling situations?

Let's start by recognizing I coped learning to use my abilities to handle the challenges of being physically and developmentally disabled to make a life for myself as much as I may need supervision and support from time to time.

I had a poor track record of childhood illnesses requiring time away from school and time often in bed but I kept my own spirits up learning to manage my vulnerabilities to minimize becoming ill.

Of late I adapted a more outdoor lifestyle with a lot of fresh air and exercise to promote more vigour and resilience which was hard for me but has helped in having the lowest instances of colds and aches.

It seems to me that more of that keeping away from major population centres will help keep the risk of infection down while ensuring I don't give in to mental contamination, keeping my spirit up and full throttle.

When I may be unable to go where I'd like I need to take it as a boy and do things I can instead such as read and make things refusing to allow this current emergency define me and show some spirit instead.

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