Wednesday 11 March 2020


Things across the week were  not quite as anticipated so arrangements around my birthday were different as any social sides such as meeting with my folks would of needed to had been left to the weekend.

One thing that has been different stems from the changes around my presentation at a number of sites that go back to the period I was rather messed up which which I talked about on here when I decided to stand up tall, tear down publicly that mess and make openly male profile.

Lesser people would of just wiped accounts and started all over again.

Anyway like a few sites, the boards have enabled a birthday feature and in a thread I regularly post in, I mentioned my birthday.
I just thought the odd person I might of passed a brief greeting but I was very wrong.

Appreciation was shown for the posts I had made including those that knew me from that muddled up past.

Men spoke in favour of what I had contributed,overtly gendering me, clearly accepting me as nothing less than male and a bloke like them.

I have come out, been assessed for the measure of being a bloke and accepted.

In addition, I made an account at a site devoted to an author of children's books that started from day one as male, politely showed my more Alb side without using that phrase and wrote an introduction.
They have accepted me too as just that - a male with no exceptions. 

This has been a momentous day for me. Social reintegration.

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