Wednesday 5 June 2019

Can you live as ALB for real?

One thing that sometimes people ask about me is how do you just get on with things, isn't just a fantasy existence you play at behind the keyboard between four walls and maybe the odd person who just might be in on this anyway?
Well okay there are some people who clearly have issues with life being lived in a very much child-like way whatever angle you may personally come across it.
To me that's because they've invested so much in the whole putting away of anything from their childhoods to get the status the clearly enjoy at least on the surface that they don't wish to be confront by your ability not to.
It's a kind of jealousy that you're doing what they said to themselves no one can.
This said it is actually quite surprising the number of people who do just accept it especially if you do show some social awareness and tone things down just a fraction to take out any items that might invite curiosity such as school caps or ties. 
Recently I had to see a person who carries out assessments in connection with my benefits as a disabled person and I decided actually I would attend dressed more as I feel comfortable in grey sweater, grey school shorts and long socks with a white school shirt on because in part because I have developmental disabilities  I am in many ways that child even now.
They did not bat an eyelid nor ask any questions about why it was I was in school uniform minus tie and cap but instead were focused on my needs.
Clearly to them, being asb/alb so long as you used a bit of common sense was not an issue and on top of voting twice in full asb with tie on goes to show that you can actually live this life for real.

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