Wednesday 28 February 2018

Bringing up the adult-child boy

There are difference around what sort of personal self discipline a person should have growing up and if a person hasn't then what should happen and while I don't intend to stray into the area of actual children today, I did have one with a good deal of strict rules and what some might see as institutional or even authoritarian  
A scene such as this was common place because we had the responsibility to keep our dorm tidy and were subject to inspection standing to attention and if a boy was found not to have kept his area tidy and made his bed properly then as was the norm then, yes we were spanked for it.

For those of us who are in certain respects very much child-like in our development not having reached maturity but in law adults some of may feel given our difficults to engage with more 'adult' ways of changing our behaviour something of a short sharp shock of a spanking may get our attention and bring about more of a compliance with what we are expected to do than anything else.

As ever on this blog I only talk of and concerning adult but child boys whatever the law may say recording their birth age remain mentally very much a child lacking much of the maturation of even the average teen, who is more dependent on 'grown ups' to organize them.

Such a person in  real life is me who needs a high level of input into doing everyday things such as going out, shopping, following social norms expected in order to develop and maintain friendships.

Because of the sorts of problems I have, I easily get into bad attitudes toward others, not being prepared to fully apply myself to what I'm doing either just involving me or with others so I let others as well as myself down that no amount of trying to talk around breaks. 

When I am like that a way of breaking it involves deliberately using a juvenile approach such as using direct talking and saying I will have a spanking for it because I soon learn to alter my behaviour.

I know since this has come into my life I am shaping up to exercise personal and group responsibility.

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