Wednesday 7 March 2018

Coping with the weather and stuff

When I was kid, at least officially I wasn't unlike him in the summer just wearing  shorts, underwear, socks and shoes  enjoying the glistening sunlight on my torso out in our garden or in relatives ones.

One difference steams from the failure to invest me into scouting which is I wouldn't of known about how to cook on a barbecue or even a regular grill because I was also banned from the kitchen which is a good example of how my family failed to teach me life skills I might need in the workplace or at home to take care of myself. 

We begin this weeks entry from last week with the challenges of the extreme weather we had and how that effects me as the effects if you, like me have a physical disability are often more severe.

This week we have snow thanks to a pressure system from Siberia, Russia according to forecasters so part of this week was taken up with taking precautions because I do take some tablets that I find help in managing my conditions so I needed to go into town to get them.

Although it is a bit controversial I do find Omega 3 typically found in fish oils helps in a couple of important 
ways with me the first being I find it helps my brain to be mentally sharper and less of a fuzzy haze than it is when I don't take them and the other being they do help control the side effects of my badly damaged tendons keeping inflammation lower without the issues I had with non-steroids anti inflammatories  like Voltarol which caused damage to my stomach lining.
So It kinda matters to get them in while I can.

As well, I am making progress in walking having managed Sunday morning to walk a good eight of a mile more than could a few months back which is quite an improvement on how I have been a for good number of years and that despite a full cooked breakfast.
Weekend meals I think probably are bigger in terms of calories compared with those during the week so I may at some point need to look at how to size them down a fraction as I'm convinced  I honestly don't need the cooked breakfast and full evening meal on Sundays.

I stood still and  saw a Blue Tit land on  a branch very close to me which was really nice to see while out in brilliant orange glow of the Winter Sun even if it was just 1 degree C and so I was very well wrapped up with gloves and scarf on.

Yesterday it was a 'special day' that you'll be able to read something about on my main blog although I had plenty of cards, presents and money too which is always useful.

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