Wednesday 19 December 2018

Six days to go

It is but six days away from Christmas which in same ways is a bit different in feel this year and for reasons I won't go too much into is pulling me out of it.
The week began with going into town to get some of the last minute touches to Christmas including getting some things for Mom because as I boy it's my job to help her and be obedient while I getting my things.
The town looked lovely with it's traditional black and white and brick buildings festooned with decorations galore while junior school children were going around town caroling  in groups so even if it was a cool day, it was the more enjoyable being be very traditional carrying out the old rituals.
It's those rituals that help make it magical bringing everything to life.
Daddy and I were fed up with the news especially the "Brexit" stories day after day so he kindly let me watch the Christmas Dangermouse special instead on the CBBC channel which provided a much needed lift.
The other side of the coin was Tumblr had messed up a blog of mine so I'm in appeal with them for the second time in as many days but have started some work on  replacement which be centred around vintage scouting and age regressed school uniform stuff as my main one is a group account that can't message or do asks.
Having a narrower focus may help in avoiding some of the pitfalls and as half expecting things I had transferred some series of posts to another account so there no point do a straight remake.
As well when I mentioned about the torn shorts in transferring one pair navy shorts over for roaming and cub scout like activities outdoors, I got a new pair of grey shorts to replace them by.

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