Wednesday 10 January 2024

Recollecting in 2024

One common theme across a number of years has been around the purpose and nature of my record collection because across the decades music has been issued in a variety of formats and it's fair to say that from the mid 1980's there has been a strong push towards getting new recordings on the compact disc.

With me while classical music was a early boyhood like, the nature of it means generally once you have aquired what you consider to be  great recording of a particular work, then that is generally it so your collection is generally static with just a few additions across the year.

Popular music being drawn from mainly new songs or tunes is ongoing and additions tend to based upon what you what like in the current charts or anything from the past you have just discovered in either album or single form.

Like many I gathered quantities of lp records in the eighties and early nineties and either part exchanged or otherwise replaced them for compact discs as they were seen as more durable, better sounding and well more modern that having a needle go along a groove cut in vinyl.

As time has gone by a number of things happened of which ones some records left but never were replaced and the other was that actually provided you cleaned them, actually those records for a variety of reasons actually sounded better than the compact disc!

That's different than the whole thing around the more tactile nature of records, the better potential for album art, reading notes and whatnot in a larger but thinner form.

Thus I have being buying back a number and while there are less outstanding from when the first wave started around 2011, in 2024 I do see a number returning.

The other area has been the buying of new albums, and while some modern trends in popular music don't do anything for me, I have been buying a number of albums for the first time on vinyl and these do include some compilations that take me back to my earlier years.

Handling including the placing of the record on the turntable and lowering of the arm all take me back to those days where many of us that's how we listened on our record players so music of that era in that form really pulls emotionally and nostalgically.

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