Wednesday 22 March 2023

Moving along

It's a odd time really.

You might of thought with the funeral dealt with which was praised by many as being one the best they've attended with just the right choice of hymns, songs and eulogy to be really meaningful and yet not over the top attended by some fifty-six people that might be it but that's not really been the case.

For instance, Dad needed to go to the bank on Monday as his account like many was a joint one meaning Mum had a bank card and was a name on the account which needed to be changed and at the same time a cheque from an insurance company as part payment of the funeral needed to be deposited.

In today's world of reduced branches that meant a journey of several miles each way to get that done.

Then of course Sunday was Mother's Day which just brought back the sense of loss as on radio, tv and online you were bombarded with ads and in store you'd have lots of people carrying related merchandise.

By bad coincidence Monday would of been Mum's birthday where even last March we went to a local pub for a meal together apart from yes more cards we obviously didn't have this year and presents and obviously at some point the cards that were there, over fifty needed to removed post funeral which just emphasized that loss as the window was empty.

One of plus points was seeing some of people at Mum's church on the saturday as they were setting the decorations up for Easter and being able to talk freely with them about how things were while in a more weekend boys outfit of a long sleeved t shirt, short socks and those blue cord short trousers.

Not the classic GSS thing sure but something that worked enabling me to be just me with people totally accepted as I am which for me was always the long term plan - just be the BOY you are in the community.

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