Wednesday 19 May 2021

The Tumblr Police

 If you thought Tumblr management were the only kind of body you have to watch on Tumblr, you couldn't be more wrong.

In recent years various groups of "True Believers" have stalked the Age Regression communities making lists of peoples Tumblrs they feel violated their rules even if they never said they were in any way a member of such a community who HAD agreed to follow them.

It always used to be the Porn Blogs that acted in concert with groups of minors in Age Regression but these days any group just do.

First things first I'm Age Dysphoric and I don't care to see sexualized content either but some of these self appointed groups take issue with perfectly safe commercially acceptable pictures of boys often from the past saying because the person who could now be over 40 hadn't given consent in era pictures were often taken and published in newspapers, magazines and other publications because "they trigger my childhood trauma" and everyone must be protected from it.

Some people post them because it reminds them of their own pasts, how they looked maybe even how they visualize themselves today.

There *can* be an issue if one adds sexual or other inappropriate commentary to them but without that they are lawful and safe for anyone to view.

Secondly they act as a record of historical fact as to what and how childhood was.

Or they take issue with one reblogged text based post from somebody else saying it's not accurate and could be harmful to minors possibly.

They then mass reblog blocklists to make everyone block them.

The second thing is having convicted you of breaching their rules on your own blog, they then proceed to have cancelled any other blogs of yours by placing those on a blocklist regardless of content so a blog that literally comprise of stuffed toys of a collectable kind are now linked on a list with really NSFW material in effect saying because they take issue with one of your blogs, everyone should cancel them all and shun you

If you didn't agree to join a group with rules but gained people who may be minors who did  following you why should you have to alter what you post in case it offends and in any event tumblr lets them view your account with no restrictions?

I'm just tired of all this policing going on that also includes if you fail to support BLM, all 100 and counting genders and every social media backed cause when all I want to is post about how it is to be me and the world I loved.


  1. Have you thought about moving your blog to bdsmlr.
    There are several "Adult dad/boy blogs that include spanking but no heavy bdsm

  2. The issues on there are (1) you cannot show any image or likeness of a minor nor (2) post anything that might encourage them which given my life is more literally is childlike is restrictive. One person posted a poster with no child just a cute puppet with text around healthy eating and it was wiped! If I wanted just role and spanking related posts it would work but it splits me up and they wouldn't accept a link to any of my blogs because of images

  3. It just seems I fall down the middle between what Adult Content places permit with their no minors stuff including toys and other places that take issue with how I present.
