Wednesday 28 October 2020

Clean up in aisle four

While I get better I thought I would post some thoughts around a subject that's been a matter of controversy ever since the internet has been a thing from the earliest IBB's to modern social media, moderation.

All sites have rules usually set out somewhere prominent that take in two important elements, the terms of reference and standards the person running it has set AND that of whoever is hosting it plus the latter can and does wag the tail of the former.

No host accepting you=no site (Unless you self host)

When it comes to rules about the terms of reference of the site, they should say what it is about, what sorts of posts are considered acceptable and examples of what is not by content and the use of any and all images.

For instance mine has limits on the mention of c.p. and a no images of rule because that would put into Adult Content territory which our host doesn't accept. End of.  We do accept talking about childhood.

On the other hand ASB.NET does allow c.p. but has a no mention, depiction or suggestion of anything that may be seen as or about a child even your own childhood which is at least in part a host restriction.

Every so often you will have a person push the boundaries of your site either by content such as posting material contrary to the rules or posting material that does not fit within what the person who started the thread intended and belongs elsewhere.

You can move posts and message, which is a preference of mine, delete the posts as off topic or otherwise against the rules in the latter sending a warning to say nay more and you may be banned.

Personally I am pro inform,monitor and deal with the posts but this may not work with the kind of person who just feels the forum is for and about their posts, thinking their ought to be higher authorities  they should be able to appeal to.

The internet is not like that, you join a site seeing what it is about and it's rules and a Mod's word is the last on the topic.

Likewise you have members who want to leave they may of change their interests or taken offence at something or other and before you know it it's "I want to remove my account" or "Please remove my posts" instructions you're getting.

Deleting accounts is difficult as you tend to find several days later the individual wants to rejoin but by that point hard deleting accounts means they can't get back to where they were.

Removing posts is a minefield that I have strong views on from moderating a large site for a period.

The problem with removing an individual person's post is that often they reference and are referenced by other peoples posts who have not asked for their posts to be removed that may of taken them good time to type to be removed.

I believing in respect them in the moderation process and so may may amend a post with a [Mod note....] inserting to explain what was in the other person's removed post the person referred to unless the content was unacceptable.

The other person's posts will be removed if agreed the at time but because of the complications it takes time, MY TIME, I will add to do this properly.

I don't apologize for NOT removing threads which may of been started by the one who wants her or his posts removing but other people have posted on it because simply those other people haven't consent to losing posts AND the topic is valid.

Do not go whining to me that I should of removed the whole thread just because your post is no longer the opening one. You are a guest at the forum and not bigger than it.

If you do come back you can always repost what it was then.

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