Wednesday 6 September 2017

New term at the dorm

There's nothing quite like an impromptu stone wall perch while out as you reflect, taking the viewing on your achievements that day and the beauty that is all around you.
As well it's Autumn although parts of the summer months are still with us and the school soccer season is upon us.
Part of this whole thing in my life is to do with a combination of trauma and how through having developmental disabilities too, is a kind of a therapy for me where I am treated more by the level of my real life attainments and development rather than just by pure age.
Rather than having me in settings I cannot cope with in a very stressful state, I am instead placed in the setting that matches the level of development I am in and am in effect protected from those adult situations I lack the ability to exercise control.
This doesn't shouldn't surprise either of us because when I was going through a nervous breakdown in an adult role of considerable responsibility, the person above me openly admitted to having to shield me until we were the point it was obvious I had to leave.
I have consented to be treated more like the ten year old emotionally and developmentally child I am wrapped in a chronologically aged body with the restrictions and rules that go with it because that better aids my real world recovery.
Part of it involves being dressed more akin to that child so not only do I feel calm from acting from the real me but also by being dressed as that ten year old boy, I better reflect how I am and am less likely to be treated beyond my limitations and more juvenile way.


  1. I feel like you,unable to control myself and my situation.and feel more comfortable and relaxed dressed as a schoolboy in short schoolboys shorts.please chat to me at

  2. I am the “boy “ in that photo Devon Imfracombe
