Wednesday 23 June 2021

Weekly review

I'll say at the outset, I am not at all well day so apologies in advance if this entry is a but shorter than usual or has any mistakes.
After the rather overcast and wet weekend here in the Midlands, we are seeing the return of Sun and more warmer weather for being out in having seen a good number of house sparrows, blackbirds and magpies around in the last couple of days.

Indeed two house sparrows seemed to be engaged in a sparring session trying to chase each other from bush to bush and from tree branches until one achieved his victory.

This last few days though do feel different with me because I received a telephone call from an Aunt informing me my Uncle Ian had died suddenly at hospital where he'd been with a heart condition for a period.

It's fair to say he was something of a character, having got his GCE's he was Mechanical Engineering Apprentice of the Year, receiving an award and then decided the world of regimented work wasn't for him so did odd jobs, acted as a Gamekeeper on an Estate  and the like until ill heath meant he wasn't able to work.

He also got into serious trouble related to the controversial Community Charge aka the "Poll Tax" spending a short time in prison in the early 1990's.

This all said he was very much a family man, highly involved in his own children's lives and always always having time for me especially when for a period he lived but two houses away from us and we played with and spent time inside with him and his family having joint fireworks for Guy Fawkes Nights with Catherine wheels whizzing through the air almost setting fire to nappies on the washing line!
It was a different era when it came to things around heath and safety.

He always seemed to understand me talking away at parties and that about various things.

It's too early to know about funeral arrangements not least with Covid and it's restrictions still about but it's certainly affected my emotions this week.

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