Wednesday, 30 March 2016
Role playing
Wednesday, 23 March 2016
Getting it together
There are actually some websites for boys like us such as this but they tend not to last for very long either because the hosts don't really understand what they and we are all about or some folk seem to forget just why you need rules about what you can post and where.
Wednesday, 16 March 2016
Cowboys and Indians in the 70's and 80's
One thing looking back at my boyhood was I had and enjoyed playing games that featured cap guns and back then there was less issues around what boys "ought" to playing and around having toy guns on you in the street.
We did play "Cowboys and Indians" splitting into two groups, fighting, trying to capture each other and mock kill them with our cap guns copying the rituals we learned from "Westerns" we saw on tv.
For us it was just a game, we didn't look deeply into historical context or any racial motives where our imaginations ran riot in gardens, local woods or countryside.
I enjoyed playing it even the being captured and tied up cos we knew what was acceptable and when you were being hurtful or otherwise mean and the grown ups we knew also could tell when play was fine to left alone and where they might step in if things were out of hand and we needed chastising.
It was better to let us work with our boyish streaks than to try to make us be more like girls.
I was never a softie for all my disabilities.
Wednesday, 9 March 2016
B is for birthday

The latest part in the Hetty Feather historical adventure series that came out late last year in big book aka Hard Back form.
They arrived by courier less than half an hour before I was due to go out!!!
I had some money from my folks a brother and an aunt which can diverted to something appropriately little and some Amazon vouchers from my older brother that I'll need to look at how to get them to my account as techno stuff just loses me at times.
I had also like a good number of Middles and Littles the Disney animated full length emotion movie Inside/Out on dvd and a few cds although I tend to get them through across the year whereas when I was younger they tended to be more things I had at birthdays and Christmas's
I'll conclude by thanking my friends for their birthday wishes.
Wednesday, 2 March 2016
The birthday spanking ritual for us?
Birthday Spanking’ is a popular children's’ birthday custom which for many people continue into adulthood.
The birthday spanking, unlike a punishment spanking, is meant to be given in a fun and lighthearted manner with lots of humorous fun and banter for both parties.
The birthday spanking, is applied depending one own family tradition, to either the seat of the skirt/trousers/pants or the underwear, or even the bare bottom, but it’s usually given over the lap by the child’s parent.
The number of customary smacks given is denoted by the age of the birthday boy or girl, ie: one smack for each year of life and always one extra hard smack at the end for luck, as in the rhyme, ‘One extra to grow on’.
Therefore a 10 year old would receive 11 smacks in total. Such Birthday spankings are usually a highlight of a child’s birthday party with all their friends and family gathered round to bear witness that the spanking has been duly given and the luck has been passed on for another year.
Personally in so far as a adult little boys go if you were spanked as a child or are getting them now, I feel you should be given such a spanking as a matter of course dropping you on that most special of days into a child-like state.
The burning question if you poardon the pun is whither or not I get one this year.