Wednesday, 25 December 2024

That state of Christmas you don't need

 Actually while I was so looking forward to Christmas I was feeling very much out of it due to a severe case of forum drama that erupted late into Monday before Christmas eve which may pass or require strict action to prevent it happening again as it felt like a gaggle of schoolboys in the playground were around a disturbance joining in.

Indeed it took me right back to incidents I recall in juniors where some woild get involved to fight their corner with threats while others on the sidelines would be shouting "fight, fight, fight"but with no head teacher to dish out the slipper to those responsible.

Sometimes, the best thing is to walk away for a bit and reflect more on what you can do to resolve your disagreements like say you're sorry, try to learn from the experience and just stop trying to have the final word on the matter which only makes things worse for everyone because it acts like oxygen to a fire, keeping it smoldering.

All I know is it isn't going to happen again and those involved should be ashamed of themselves.

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