Wednesday 26 June 2024

Paws and Posts

Couple of things really this week as I'm melting a bit in the heat.

First a friend recently aquired a kitten after a period of being catless and is getting grips with such things as wanting to spend time cupboards and bedrooms and dealing with a kitten that very much knows what its favourite brand of cat meat is and who makes, turning its nose up at anything that's sub par.

While none of my cats ever were adopted or cats for rehoming, I recall the hair tearing out moments around finding out what it did like and then dealing with things like the make going out of stock in our shops with the cat defiant to the last over what constitutes "good tasting" food.

The other thing is more forum centred and it is please don't take images of minors and by either photoshopping or adding commentary link them to things that whatever you may feel about the activity or interest are seen as very much kink or otherwise sexual in nature.

We do get a fair chunk of "lurkers" plus being totally open to the public anyone from "Plod" to an actual child being able to peep in so linking kiddies to kink really is a bad idea unless you seriously want to lose the forum and leave ME with knocks on the door interviewed under caution.

If we tell about what you posted, for heaven's sake do show some understand of WHY what you posted was not acceptable and ARE prepared to keep within the rules.


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