Wednesday 22 May 2024

Photos, A.I and rights


Winnie knows things aren't always straightforward and one thing that is causing much talk is Artificial Intelligence (A.I) as it applies to images as while it has lead to an increase in posting, making it easier to have images that illustrate topics, that has lead to some issues.

People have been taking photographs from the victorian era, some went in institutional collections, newspaper photo archives but many stayed with individuals passed to family members or friends who themselves decided what to do with them.

As the modern internet took shape with websites, companies paid lots to buy up photographs which they then charged money to have the right to add to your site or magazine page (printing went digital to the press).

Because of advances in Computer techniques it is now possible to write a script and have a program create an image from it and this does threaten image rights holders (and does concern artist who may feel part of their work is in it).

It's important to realize rather like "The dog ate my homework" you can't say "I didn't do it, A.I. did" if the image you produce is sexually explicit, features indecent children, or abuse material Tm because as it's creator YOU are responsible.

On our site W-T-O and I are responsible for what goes up and it's our doors that would get knocked.

We also have to understand with regard to actual photographs if you use anything that is copyright (and most stuff published is) we'd be in trouble with our hosts for allowing it and you can be charged a lot for it or even told take it down OR else.

There is "fair use" but that like much of the law around rights is in something of a flux and messy is a good way to describe present so perhaps it's safer to avoid actual photos unless you have taken them or own them (like yout childhood snaps).

We're trying to explain in a way everyone can understand how we can use photos and the like with less risks.

Just keep your eyes peeled.

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