Wednesday 24 August 2016

Summertime Cub


Summertime means many things but being out, exploring, going on a hike is very much a part of what it means and was a part of my original boyhood as much as relatively unstructured play with my mates was.

Scratch the surface of this boy and you will find the eternal cub scout at his happiest playing games. learning new skills and having fun under the guidance his leader so it really was no accident at the age of fifteen and sixteen I went back in time, wearing cub scout uniform.

Today although officially you can't be a cub scout within the organization, I do shadow and follow much of what cub scouts do and learn to gain their badges having a specific uniform for such activities that include short trousers.

For a boy who hasn't really past ten years of age being taken back to learn the life skills I need while having fun makes a lot of sense

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